Warning signals abound over U.S. entanglement in overseas disputes.
Trump Pushes Putin’s Buttons at G20 Summit
Trump gave Putin the cold shoulder over attacks on Ukrainian ships, but the Russian doesn’t seem to mind.
Free Speech? CNN Fires Pundit Over Israel Comments
It’s time to remember why the First Amendment should be absolute.
Trump Sued Again – Now Baltimore Wants Benefits for Illegals
The city of Baltimore wants American taxpayers to support illegal aliens.
Israel Renews Relations with Muslim-Controlled Chad
Is this a step toward peace in the Middle East?
UN Tamping Down Free Speech on Mass Immigration?
The UN plans to crack down on hate speech – which of course will include any criticism of mass migration.
Why Socialism Failed: Cuba
Its leaders try to drag Cuba into the 21st century inexplicably using failed tools of the past.
The Science of Cultural Heritage
Dismiss the achievements of the past and you lose the significance of the present.
Illegals New Hideouts: Places of Worship
ICE should quit the patently bogus ‘sanctuary’ game.