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Why Does the Left Think Americans Are Stupid?

Apparently, Americans are incapable of functioning without the guiding hand of their betters.

by | Nov 13, 2021 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

It happened again this week. When Joe Biden used the port of Baltimore as a photo op for a message about a crumbling supply chain, his words dripped with condescension. “You hear a lot about the supply chains in the news,” the president lectured, “but frankly, not a lot of people have a clear understanding, whether they have a Ph.D. or they didn’t go to school, about how a supply chain works.” This comes on the heels of his number two in command – Kamala Harris – who informed us it is “almost impossible” for rural Americans to make a photocopy. Oh, and we mustn’t forget the frontal assault on black Americans who, according to the left, are incapable of obtaining photo identification – among myriad other life skills.

So why does the left think Americans are stupid and unable to function without the guiding hand of their betters?

Attention Walmart Shoppers!

GettyImages-1350958007 Terry McAuliffe

Terry McAuliffe (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Walmart shoppers reek of Trump support, according to former FBI Agent Peter Strzok. Barack Obama characterized those who opposed him as a “bitter” lot who “cling to guns and religion” and harbor “antipathy to people who aren’t like them” to “explain their frustrations.” Then there are the veteran leftist-lifers like former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe who thinks “parents should not be telling schools what they should teach.” He arrogantly prefaced that remark with, “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions.”

God forbid parents’ wishes should be considered when there are professional educators at the ready.

But wait – there’s more: The granddaddy of haughty comments was uttered by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton who, in one fell swoop, fused Americans who were not responding to her leftist ideology into one giant “basket of deplorables.” Jumbled like human refuse in this progressive dumpster, Clinton sermonized, are the “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic.”  These leftists fashion themselves as a pompous Dean Wormer looking down his nose at all the Flounders out there who are going through life “Fat, drunk and stupid…” a al Animal House.

Uneducated, unkempt, and altogether too dim to manage their lives, progressives inform the American people over and again how we need them to survive because the average citizen must be told what to do (get a vaccine or else) when to do it (it’s now or never) and why they must march to the drumbeat of their betters (just because I say so). Yes, these progressives have a deep need to control everything in the lives of the masses simply because we are apparently neither capable nor clever enough to make intelligent decisions.

The left has elevated its political view to a divinely monarchical level – they are enlightened, Harvard educated, live in gated communities, and have no need for the police. If they need security, they’ll hire it. If they need a wall, they’ll just build one around their affluent compounds. The problem that frustrates them no end is this: Why is the average American not listening to their wise counsel? This is what confounds and exasperates leftists. Why on earth are Americans running from progressivism, socialism, Marxism, and every other “ism” the left keeps trying to shove down our throats – especially when this elite class so obviously has nothing but our best interests at heart?

New banner Perpective 1Why don’t we sit down, shut up, and do as this supercilious crowd commands?

Perhaps it is because America was not founded on the idea of a privileged class ruling with an iron fist as if it were the collective reincarnation of King George III. Liberty and self-determination are woven into the fabric of the American experience. Our DNA is not wired for obeisance.

When John Adams proposed George Washington be addressed as “His Excellency,” Washington balked. Behind his back and without missing a beat, patriots took to calling Mr. Adams “His Rotundity.” Open mocking of the American people is not a political strategy but a psychological transference by a high and mighty bunch of bullies.

If the president’s poll numbers and what just happened to the Democrats in a recent high-profile election are any indication, it appears the ball is now in the hands of those whom leftists love to ridicule. These obsessively controlling, imperious progressives would be wise to listen to the words of the late entrepreneur Herman Cain who said, “Stupid people are ruining America.” It is not the other way around.

~ Read more from Leesa K. Donner.


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Leesa K. Donner

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