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Vaccine Crisis: COVID Jabs Linked to Youth Heart Conditions

Do the risks really outweigh the benefits – or are these vaccines dangerous?

by | Jun 27, 2021 | Articles, Healthcare, Opinion

Despite the incredibly fast-tracked development of the COVID-19 shots, vaccine development typically takes between five and ten years. That affords manufacturers ample time to conduct trial studies to determine any adverse events that might occur – and adjust the formulation accordingly. Even though pharmaceutical companies, doctors, pharmacists, and everyone else in the vaccine chain cannot be sued for adverse impacts resulting from the jabs they produce, it nonetheless remains in everyone’s best interest to dispatch their due diligence concerning safety: No company wants bad PR associated with their brand.

Warp speed” your vaccine development, however, while eschewing the long-term safety trials literally every other drug on the market undergoes, and all manner of tragic and unforeseen outcomes may result.

Exhibit A: COVID Vaccines

Manufactured and made available to the general public in mere months via Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) – the Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca jabs have been beset by a worrying accrual of adverse events from the very beginning.

Early in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, blood clotting was at issue. A 56-year-old doctor named Gregory Michael was one of the first to receive the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020. Although in excellent health, he had an immediate adverse reaction, according to his wife, and died a few weeks later – after a team of physicians failed to prevent the multiplicity of blood clots in his system. His story was, unfortunately, just the first among many.

Astra Zeneca’s vaccine was suspended in 18 countries and throughout Europe after independent research teams in Germany and Norway confirmed that the COVID-19 jabs could cause an over-reaction of platelets that can lead to blood clotting – and death. But these concerning studies and the many reports of blood-clotting were largely ignored by the American media.

Also routinely lowercased by the Fourth Estate is the astonishing number of vaccine deaths reported to VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). In just six months, this federally-established system has logged over 4,000 unconfirmed deaths from the “Vaccine Quartet” – as Liberty Nation’s Andrew Moran terms it.

To provide perspective, there are more deaths attributed to the COVID vaccines in six months than all other vaccines combined since 2012. And if a 2010 study by Harvard University is correct and fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS, then the actual number of COVID vaccine deaths could be far worse.

[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]The CDC affirmed a “likely” link between heart inflammation and the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.[/perfectpullquote]

So, perhaps unsurprisingly, when the vaccine gate-keepers at the FDA decided to make the jabs available under an EUA to children below the age of 18, the speed at which cases of heart inflammation – known as myocarditis – began to present mirrored the rapidity with which blood clotting cases occurred earlier in the year. The difference this time is that the vaccine injured are children – who have a .04% risk of dying from COVID-19, according to CDC.

A study in Israel demonstrated that a second dose of the COVID vaccine is “probably” connected to the onset of myocarditis in young men age 16-30. Nearly 80% of Israel’s population has been vaccinated, which presented ideal conditions for a study of this type. Unfortunately, in America, we are now seeing the grievous impacts of the study’s findings.

David’s Tragedy

David Mellozi, an 18-year-old from Indiana, is one such story. He was hospitalized with heart inflammation just two days after his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. David was left to languish for hours without seeing a doctor, and some wonder if it’s because his mother made the mistake of mentioning – in the emergency room – that she thought it was vaccine-related.

When his mother brought him back the next day with even more acute headache, nausea, fever, chills, difficulty breathing, and sharp pain down his left side, she did not mention the vaccine – and David was seen immediately. The results of his EKG were consistent with a heart attack. David had sustained severe heart damage. His mother spoke about her son’s life now:

“David is not allowed to exert himself. If he moves around too fast, he has chest pain. My son is like an 80-year-old heart patient, and he can’t walk. He cannot walk and exert himself because his heart can’t pump enough blood. It cannot keep up with any type of exercise, including walking. The slightest exertion will cause chest pain, and he is very fatigued most of the time. The doctors said they expect him to get better over time with rest, but for the past week, we haven’t noticed any improvement.”

The great tragedy of myocarditis is that the muscles around the heart do not heal over time or regenerate – they remain permanently damaged because the tissue has died. As a result, people who suffer from the condition are often at greater risk for adverse cardio events in the future, such as heart attacks. Heart inflammation is like a time bomb in the heart – those who suffer it will never know when the timer runs to zero, and their lives are on the line.

David’s story is sadder still when we learn the World Health Organization just recently released a statement sure to chill the hearts of parents across the globe who rushed to comply with the urgent directive to have their children vaccinated. The WHO’s website states:

“There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.”

This international bombshell undoubtedly applied pressure on the CDC, which had postponed their meeting on myocarditis concerns in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. The CDC then convened a meeting the next week to consider the data – and ultimately determined something seismic.

The CDC affirmed a “likely” link between heart inflammation and the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Was It All for Naught?

[bookpromo align=”right”] The question of whether the vaccines even work to stop infection also hangs heavy in the air. Massachusetts has reported nearly 4,000 “breakthrough” cases, which are people who tested positive for COVID after being fully vaccinated against it. If nothing else, this calls into question the vaccine’s efficacy and makes one wonder: Does it reliably stop infection? That is, after all, the reasonable expectation of every vaccine.

Curiously, the CDC quietly stated over a month ago they would only count breakthrough cases that would result in hospitalization or death – but why? As of the end of April, CDC had recorded 10,000 breakthrough COVID cases – which is when they stopped counting.

If Massachusetts alone has 4,000 cases, we can conservatively say that every other state has half that many. That’s potentially at least 100,000 instances of fully vaccinated Americans becoming infected.

Think of the Children

Now, after a month or more of children being vaccinated worldwide against COVID, the WHO says they shouldn’t be. And the CDC seems to agree, given its concession to the Israeli study’s results. Yet despite the fact that the ACIP (Advisory Committee on immunization Practices) met this week to discuss the 200% increased risk for myocarditis among young men, all 15 members still voted to recommend the vaccine for children.

What’s Going On?

And still CDC will not acknowledge the growing number of post-vaccination COVID infections. Everyone from the president of the United States of America to your favorite concert venue, your neighbor, and your local elementary school are all urging you and your family to “get the shot.” They even sweeten the lure with money, prizes, free beer, complementary Big Macs – even college tuition.

What is going on here?


Read more from author Pennel Bird.


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