Ilhan Omar shares a singular quality with other dread harridans of the left like charming Megan Rapinoe, blowsy Joy Behar, sunny Catherine Areu, as well as the other three congresswomen of the radical apocalypse and some goofy and frenetic presidential contenders. While none of these ladies strike one as particularly fun people to be around, they all assume an eager, enthusiastic, downright gleeful demeanor when invoking the shortcomings of the United States of America. Being able to point to a kid behind a chain link fence or toilet in a Texas detention center makes them positively giddy.
Running Ahead of the Mob
Characters of limited capacity like an Ocasio-Cortez or Tlaib often exhibit remarkable self-knowledge in at least one respect—an uncanny ability to recognize the best job they are ever going to get when they see it. Thus enlightened, such people are single-minded in doing what is necessary to keep that job, which in their, and their perpetually-outraged sisters’ cases, is feeding the leftist audience what it craves. They live at the whim of the mob; for them, achievement consists of running fast enough to keep near the front of the crowd, news cycle to news cycle, appearing to be directing it. Since the howls and “likes” of the audience pay their bills, it is thus understandable that the news of every imagined American outrage, every shortcoming, and every awkward verbal stumble by a MAGA-hat wearing prole or cabinet secretary, is delivered by an Omar or a Gillibrand with a haughty superiority and unalloyed joyfulness that is fingernails on a blackboard for the rest of us.
Trump Plays His Part
Donald Trump recently observed this behavior, noting it in tweets and his recent Greenville speech. As Trump is a declaimer rather than explainer, he invoked “horrible” statements and “hatred for America” as self-evident facts without taking the time in speech or tweet to trace the reasoning that led to his conclusion—namely, if you love someone or something you do not seem to take extravagant pleasure in cataloguing their shortcomings or failures. The left’s triumphalist not-so-greatism, for Trump and anyone else with the wit to understand it, is disdain and enmity, not a program to realize the promise of America. So when Trump called out the squaddies, the audience rose to support him with a reflexive variant of “Lock her up.” Crowds are, after all, not known for their originality or nuance.
Sure, in a perfect world it would have been nice if Trump had raised his hand portentously and intoned, “We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” But that is not his way. Instead, along with the tax cuts, deregulation, tariff and sanction squeezes on China and Iran, and, of course, Mexico paying for a “wall” of troops and new migrant procedures, we‘ll just have to settle for an imperfect declaimer-in-chief, and his supporters hanging the smirking hauteur and permanent rage of four radical harpies around the neck of the Democrats, albeit in a rude manner. After all, as presidential primary standout Marianne Williamson has observed, “Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world,” even a bunch of MAGA hat-wearing tarheels.
To read more from James V. Capua, visit his author page. At Liberty Nation, we love to hear from our readers. Comment and join the conversation!