Another Trump supporter was treated to liberal intolerance during an Elizabeth Warren speech in Storm Lake, Iowa. Sen. Warren, a Democratic from Massachusetts – you know, Fauxcahontas – stopped to give a few brief words about her plan to run for president in the 2020 election and take a few questions from the supporters there. But not everyone was a believer, and the crowd became angry at Randal James Thom, 58, because he dared to question the senator and hold a banner in favor of Trump. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Seeing the Trump supporter being handcuffed, the crowd became ecstatic and started chanting “Down with hatred.”[/perfectpullquote]
Reportedly, Thom didn’t understand why Warren was busy campaigning rather than trying to help resolve the government shutdown. He waited until she’d asked for questions from the audience before raising his query. However, when she ignored him, he started asking repeatedly until he was shouting for results. In his frustration, he unfurled a banner that read “Keep America Great,” which Trump has indicated he will use as his 2020 campaign slogan.
Can you guess what happened next? Anti-Trumpers were offended by such profanity and sought to yank it away from him. But Thom didn’t give up easily. He took to swatting them with the sticks from the banner – which got him arrested.
Seeing the Trump supporter being handcuffed, the crowd became ecstatic and started chanting “Down with hatred.”
Wild scene outside Warren event after she spoke to overflow crowd in Storm Lake.. a Trump supporter tried to confront her, asking repeatedly why she wasn’t in DC for shutdown talks. A couple of Warren supporters tried to block him from getting to her, w one person grabbing a…
— Al Weaver (@alweaver22) January 5, 2019
Thom was taken to the Buena Vista County Jail and charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct with a $300 bond.
That a Trump supporter was treated with such disrespect is no surprise as conflicts like this are about as common as a blade of grass. Luckily, the confrontation did not escalate into more serious violence, as we’ve seen happen time and again whenever leftists decide to restrict conservatives’ rights to free speech – which, of course, is also quite common. What’s frightening is that people in power are allowed to act with such misconduct – as Representative “Mad” Maxine Waters (D-CA) has. That a powerful politician can instruct her constituents to harass the president, his staff and supporters, and not face any consequences, is proof that our system is in deep, deep trouble.
Thom may have instigated the conflict a bit by insisting he get an answer from Warren, but the attack on him was not warranted. He had a valid concern: Why was the Senator not seeking an end to the shutdown? Especially since she ranted about the president over that very thing: “[H]ow about the president spends his time getting the government back open,” instead of focusing on her 2020 election, she said. Apparently, she didn’t like Trump’s campaign slogan suggestion, which poked fun at her claim to Native American ancestry.