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Trump Administration Rebuffs U.N. on Immigration

by | Dec 4, 2017 | Immigration

The United States government took a very significant step Friday evening in defense of American sovereignty and resistance to the global hegemony of the United Nations.

President Donald Trump has ended U.S. participation in the Global Compact on Migration. Scheduled for final adoption in 2018, this accord effectively represents an international open-borders policy designed to facilitate massive migration to the developed world.

Additionally, it would guarantee rights and privileges to immigrants – essentially, overruling national governments’ policy on immigrants – and suppress speech and government policy deemed, by the United Nations, to be intolerant, discriminatory, racist or xenophobic.

Low-Key Announcement

It was, likely, a matter of careful deliberation that the announcement from the United States Mission to the United Nations was released late on a Friday evening. The significance of the decision could hardly be overstated and making the announcement as the weekend begins seems designed to place it under the radar of the establishment media. Successive U.S. administrations have often released information at such at a time if they are trying to avoid extensive press exposure.

The process to officially ratify the Global Compact on Migration began in 2016 with the New York  Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and the Obama administration immediately signed the U.S. up to participate. The former U.S. president was more than just a willing participant; he was a major driving force behind the effort to force the western world to absorb millions of refugees and migrants from the Third World.

When the participating nations floundered in their efforts to craft a consensus for moving forward, Obama convened a Leadership Summit to galvanize member states.

Sovereign Rights

The principles of the compact aim to force western nations to accept sizable influxes of migrants and refugees, provide them with services including healthcare, education and job training and suppress any objections to their presence.

According to the Global Coalition on Migration. The New York Compact will provide for the protection of migrants “regardless of their migratory status.” It also calls for “combating racism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance towards all migrants,” protection of “labor rights,” and recognition of foreign qualifications, education, and skills.”

In short, this ambitious project would strip sovereign nations of their authority to expect or demand any level of assimilation, by migrants and refugees, into western society; instead, demanding that those nations alter their own laws and regulations to accommodate immigrant populations.

Immigration Policy is Not Up For Grabs

A statement on the website of the United States Mission to the United Nations said the New York Declaration “contains numerous provisions that are inconsistent with U.S. immigration and refugee policies and the Trump Administration’s immigration principles.”

An attached statement by U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley acknowledged America’s history of providing support to refugees and migrants. Haley went on to state, however, that America’s immigration policy is a matter for Americans to decide. “We will decide how best to control our borders and who will be allowed to enter our country.” The statement continued, “The global approach in the New York Declaration is simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.”

Coming on the heels of America’s withdrawal from the Paris Accords on climate-related policy, this decision represents another huge step for the Trump administration in resisting the U.N.’s continued march toward globalism. Principally, the president ran for office – and was elected – on a pledge to defend American sovereignty and self-determination. Whilst the decision has received relatively little attention from the U.S. media, it is a significant indication that the president’s pledge was no hollow one.

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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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