Where’s Hunter? We may not have the answer yet to that latest meme introduced by President Trump about the son of Joe Biden, but at least we know where Hunter won’t be anymore: on the board of the Chinese investment firm that lined his pockets to the tune of more than one billion dollars.
But not only did Hunter Biden announce on Sunday that he’s quitting the board of BHR Equity Investment — a firm backed by Chinese state-owned entities — but he promises never to do it again, even if his father is elected president. Take hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign money for work to which he lends no qualifications, that is.
That’s great to know, now that the son of the former vice president has already been gifted with an unthinkably high rate of return on his father’s former position in government. How difficult it must have been to give up his lucrative investment business after he had already cashed in on his father’s status as a hood ornament for Barack Obama.
We at LibertyNation.com were discussing this story six months ago. The incurious media, on the other hand, had to be shamed by President Trump into covering the side of the Ukrainian “scandal” they ignore in their single-minded insistence that Biden’s transgressions are to be overlooked because Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president was, like dozens of other things said and done by Trump, impeachable.
Right. It really has nothing to do with the son of the former vice president lining his pockets with untold millions from Ukraine and China in the immediate aftermath of his father’s state visits to those very locations.
This shameless, in-your-face corruption, self-dealing, ill-gotten gains, blatant conflicts of interest, represent exactly the kind of behavior that so sickened people that they were willing to roll the dice on a joker in the deck named Donald Trump.
And this is exactly why Trump is willing to risk his presidency to make sure every voter knows all about it before they pull the lever again next November. He knows that he can hardly rely on the media to cover the story fairly, if at all.
Biden falls comfortably into an uninterrupted timeline of establishment corruption from Hillary Clinton and her foundation overflowing with money from foreign governments doing business with her State Department, to Biden at best looking the other way as his son, disgraced just weeks before after testing positive for cocaine when trying to join the US Navy, suddenly got well with deals so obviously and transparently tied to his father’s considerable influence.
The media with a straight face acts as if Trump is making it all up when the facts of both the money and the timing relating to Hunter Biden are a matter of public record. They have not been disputed, even by the dwindling number of fierce Biden apologists running his presidential campaign who are desperately trying to plug the multiple holes in their sinking ship.
But the media has so far succeeded in defining false terms for the debate. With the predictability of Pavlov’s dogs, they have simply dismissed Biden’s corruption by saying: This has been investigated, no wrongdoing was found, and no laws were broken.
Would they do the same if Donald Jr., Eric, or Ivanka Trump had closed lucrative deals in, say, England right after their father had visited the Queen? Trump would likely be taken away in leg irons straight to the congressional lock-up. But Biden does it, and the media offers deafening silence, reporting only that cruel Republicans are attacking the Democrats’ fading frontrunner as a smokescreen for Trump’s disgraceful conduct.
The issue is not really whether Biden broke any laws. Did Biden coax the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son’s company for impure reasons? We don’t know, but that is not even the point. This is all about the obvious corruption and self-dealing and conflicts of interest flowing like a river through the swamp when an unqualified but well-connected beneficiary of political power like Hunter Biden can walk away with millions of dollars when he has done absolutely nothing to qualify for it other than having his father’s last name and his ear.
To our friends on the left: This is what white privilege really looks like.
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