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Test Your News Knowledge Quiz – August 25, 2024

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Articles

Test Your News Knowledge - 8/25/24
1. Announced in the early months of 2024, the joint FTC-Justice Department task force will target:
2. Donald Trump has articulated his plan to dismantle the ______ and instead allow decisions to be made at the state and local levels.
3. High costs, an insufficient workforce, and constantly changing designs and upgrades have made it difficult for the US Navy to produce enough:
4. Beyond obesity and opioid dependence, what illness seems to be plaguing young Americans under the age of 45 more than it ever has in the past?
5. The 2024 Democratic National Convention began Monday, August 19, in what city?
6. Ukraine military forces executed a surprise attack against Russia and are holding over 350 square kilometers in what Russian region?
7. What former president referred to a Bible passage (Luke 11:17) to outline the detriment of turmoil and disagreement in the nation?
8. The value of what precious metal has hit 29 records in 2024?
9. Though ironic due to Minnesota’s standing regarding the matter, what word came up several times in Tim Walz’s less than 20-minute speech at the DNC?
10. Thousands of unaccompanied migrant children are missing. Many of them had been released to:

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