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Swamp Dwellers Salivating Over Michael Moore’s Trump Hit Piece

by | Sep 18, 2018 | Articles, Politics

Michael Moore’s new movie Fahrenheit 11/9 premiered in Washington D.C. with a small but dedicated crowd at the press conference. For those who wanted to hear a message of what a disaster President Donald Trump is for America, Moore delivered the goods.

His melodramatic message is that if the Democrats don’t win the upcoming midterm election, democracy may end. Trump could be the last democratically elected president in America.

Michael Moore

Rally Point

Albeit with different content, Fahrenheit serves a somewhat similar purpose as Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation, which is to energize the constituency to flock to the voting booths.

Moore said that establishment Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have done good things, but they are undermining the chances of the party to win by stifling the progressive candidates to talk about impeachment in the upcoming election. Moore thinks that the “i-word” is a rallying point and a winning cause. He argues that if the Democrats win a majority in both Houses, they can prevent Trump from dismantling democracy.

Mind Reading

The filmmaker claims to be able to see Trump’s inner thoughts: “He always lies and always tells the truth. When he says that he can shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it, he really means it.” If we are to believe his psychic abilities, Trump admires dictators and authoritarians like Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Vladimir Putin.

Dilbert-creator and Trump pundit Scott Adams warns that mind reading is a tell for hallucination. Whenever you hear someone claiming to be able see people’s inner motivations and thoughts, they are not describing reality but their own projections. Moore does that masterfully, and to someone who is already trapped in such a self-generated fantasy he makes a strong case, telling them exactly what they want to hear.

The Deplorables Again

Although Moore is too smart to slander Trump’s voters like Hillary Clinton did with her infamous “basket of deplorables” comment, he makes the same point, albeit in a softer and more empathic way. He does this by painting Trump supporters as low-information voters who are playing into the hands of a dangerous man: “The more you make a people ignorant, the more you conduct with Donald J Trump.”

He also has an ingenious solution to this problem: Free education. It kills two birds with one stone. First, you educate the masses so that there is no chance that they will ever vote for someone like Trump. Second, you win voters by promoting free stuff.

During the 2016 presidential election campaign, Moore asked John Podesta: “Why can’t Hillary just say, ‘free college’?” He answered that they’ve done the numbers and we can’t afford that. In a flurry of animation Moore insisted: “Just say ‘free college’! It doesn’t matter if we can’t afford it. Just say it, and pay for it later like we buy a car with a car loan.”

By Any Means

His outburst gives an insight into how he thinks. Telling the little truths and being responsible in the present is irrelevant if one fails to live up to the “greater truth.” It’s more important to achieve the right results than to be accurate.

He is an advocate of the “by any means necessary” doctrine, which has been touted by many people on the radical left in the last couple of decades. We know this for a fact, because it has been a permanent feature of his films to tell small lies.

The most famous example is from his anti-gun movie Bowling for Columbine in which he mocks a bank for handing out a free gun to new customers. How stupid must a bank be to give a gun to someone inside the bank? The viewers get a good laugh. Except that this is a lie.

The bank didn’t hand out guns in the bank but gave a coupon which customers could use at the local gun store. Moore told the bank that this doesn’t look explanatory on film and asked them if they – for illustrative purposes – could give him the gun in the bank. The good and decent folks at the bank complied, thinking that Moore only had good intentions, only to have their trust violated by a man who fooled them into looking bad on camera, to promote his greater truth.

That’s Michael Moore in a nutshell. He knew he was lying, but he didn’t care. Why? He tells us the answer in the Columbine movie: He believes that if we can ban guns, lives would be saved. To him, banning guns is a matter of life and death, and in an emergency like that a small lie is just an efficient way to tell a greater truth.

Or in his own words: He always lies and always tells the truth.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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