If he broke the law coming here, how can he sue for being reported?
Results for "illegals crime report"
Immigration Insanity: American Death Count Mounting
How many Americans have to die before we get a grip on illegal immigration?
Stepping Back from the Brink – CA Gov Vetoes Immigrant Bills
Governor Jerry Brown shoots down bills to allow illegals to serve on policy boards.
Multiculturalism on Trial
Why multiculturalism will always fail.
NY threatens to sue ICE
NY Gov. Cuomo weaponizes the law by threatening to sue ICE to get his way.
CA Backs out from Sending Troops to the Border
Will California send troops to the border?
Survey Says: States Can’t Shirk Federal Law
Voters don’t want sanctuary cities or states, survey details.
California Politicians Siding with Criminals
California is willing to sacrifice safety and security for political agenda.
Trump Versus California
Is California willing to play chicken with President Trump?