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Results for "Democrats"
Whistleblower Bombshell: Rules Were Changed to Allow Complaint
Impeach him before he even takes office. Or for firing Comey. Or for Russia collusion. Or for the emoluments...
The Invisible Debate – GOP Challengers Ignored by All
Freshly under new and even stranger reasons for impeachment, President Trump is ready to face challengers from...
Pelosi Chief Fundraiser for Trump — Campaign Rakes in Cash
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi barely had time to leave the stage after announcing impeachment proceedings against...
Earth to Dems: Americans Not in Favor of Impeachment
Even if you don’t believe in polls, don’t trust them, or tend to ignore the statistics, this survey conducted by...
Red Staters Rejoice as the MAGA Maestro Strikes Again
While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at...
The Uncounted Cost of Uncontrolled Mass-Immigration
The battle between those who want stricter immigration control and the border wall and those who want to open our...
Intelligence Whistleblower Complaint – Steele Dossier 2.0?
The anonymous so-called whistleblower who filed a complaint about the conduct of President Donald Trump – and it...
Michelle Obama – Cashing in On Marrying Well
The protect-Obama industry is getting a much-needed boost from none other than former First Lady Michelle, who...