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Results for "Democrats"
Wexit: Will Alberta Ditch Canada?
Brexit, Italexit, Frexit, Nexit, CalExit, Texit, and now Wexit? What likely started as a social media campaign to...
Tim Ryan Quits 2020 Race – Who Cares?
It’s official: Tim Ryan has quit the 2020 race for the White House. It’s shocking news – not that he has dropped...
Flyover Folk Fume as TX Court Okays a Seven-Year-Old’s Transition
While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at...
Clinton Desperate to Out-Trump Trump in 2020?
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been making a concerted effort to be out and about and seen to an...
Impeachment: Constitutional Crisis or Political Poker
As former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” As Democrats widely and...
Media Spin Machine Denounces Republican Storm
When Republican lawmakers “stormed in” to a closed-door session being held by Democrats hearing testimony in the...
Game-Changer in Impeachment? Changed to What?
After a marathon session in the House where former US diplomat to Ukraine William Taylor testified, Democrats...
Dem-on-Dem Warfare Set to Burst Blue Bubble
It's not much of a secret that Democrats have ceased even trying to be a truly national party anymore. Tacking...