The Japanese Buddhist philosopher and educator, Daisaku Ikeda, once said, "Genuine sincerity opens people's...
Results for "Democrats"
Joe Biden Pays Lip Service to Louisiana After Ida Devastation
President Joe Biden winged his way south and west on Air Force One to visit Louisiana, recently hit hard by...
West Wingers Wrangle With the Optics of Hypocrisy – Poorly
Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing...
Doctors in the Age of COVID: First Do No Harm to the Narrative?
Should doctors and physicians who don’t follow the “get vaccinated” narrative be punished, even lose their...
It’s Official: Social Security Running Out of Money
Anyone who has combed through the data, crunched the numbers with their Marchant Figurematic 10ADX calculators,...
The People Speak, and Joe Biden Hits Rock Bottom
We knew things were headed south for Joe Biden. By now, few are unaware of his shameful exit from Afghanistan and...
Biden Blusters About TX Abortion Ban – But What Else Can He Do?
In a rare midnight ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States refused to stop the nation’s most restrictive...
Biden’s Call to Afghan President Summed Up His Stunning Failure
There was a time, not so long ago, when Democrats became extremely agitated if they thought the president of the...
Follow the Science? Biden Admin Goes Rogue on Booster Shots
On Tuesday, August 31, the FDA announced the departure of two top officials from the administration's Office of...