Editor’s Note: Say What? is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing, and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.
Tim Donner: We’re forced to witness all this bedlam in the streets, and we don’t even get a lousy T-shirt? All we are hearing from both sides of the aisle — and throughout corporate America — in response to an unprecedented assault on American culture seems to be virtue-signaling-on-demand: “Hey, don’t blame me. I support their protests. I’m not like those racists we keep hearing about.”
Maybe they should add, “Why, I even have a friend who’s black.”
But this is no longer a laughing matter. Where are the voices standing up for Western civilization? Yes, Western civilization.
Folks, how about a quick walk through actual history? We not only fought a civil war over slavery but also are the only nation ever to do so. About one million Americans — the equivalent of more than ten million today — including 600,000 soldiers, lost their lives in a twilight struggle against that evil. Decades of blood, sweat, and tears have been expended on a civil rights movement which produced concrete change. Affirmative action led to guaranteed preferential treatment for blacks in the workplace. We elected a black man to the most powerful position in the world. And then re-elected him. The wide sweep of public opinion, if not simple common sense, tells us that all lives matter, impolitic as it is to assert that slam-dunk proposition these days.
But while many conservatives are shaking with fear at responding to all this madness, the president is not. Donald Trump seems to be the only one willing to speak clearly and forcefully against the precipitous rise of forces seeking to take a jackhammer to the American project.
He announced an executive order on police last week that will ban chokeholds, enforce independent credentialing of cops, and offer incentives for local departments to bring on experts in mental health, addiction, and homelessness as co-responders to help the police. Here’s how he framed it.
Donald Trump: Reducing crime and raising standards are not opposite goals. They are not mutually exclusive. They work together. They all work together. That is why today I am signing an executive order, encouraging police departments nationwide to adopt the highest professional standards to serve their communities.
Tim: But as Trump tries to process and make sense of all the mayhem surrounding him, even though he had nothing to do with COVID-19 or the Floyd killing or the nationwide protests that followed, the left continues its endless virtue signaling on race, which we’re used to by now. But we never really get used to hypocrisy, do we? And Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam (D), took it to a new level this week. You would think the man who has come to be known as Governor Blackface, following the release of his old yearbook page with a guy in blackface and another in a KKK hood, would lay low. But instead, he actually went on NBC and acted like the picture was just a big nothing and then proceeded to lecture the nation.
Ralph Northam: We’ve had two very thorough investigations, and those investigations show no evidence of me being in the picture. What I will tell you, Jeff, this isn’t about me anymore. This is really about Virginia. It’s about this country. It’s about black oppression. It’s about systemic racism. What I didn’t realize and what I have learned is really that black oppression exists here. It’s alive and well in 2020.
Tim: The absence of shame is breathtaking, isn’t it? But Northam’s fellow Virginian, Senator Tim Kaine (D) — you may remember him as Hillary Clinton’s running mate — might have been even worse when he took to the floor of the United States Senate and said this.
Tim Kaine: The first African-Americans to the English colonies came to Point Comfort, VA, in 1619. They were slaves. They’d been captured against their will, but they landed in colonies that didn’t have slavery. There were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time. The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.
Tim: That is a lie of biblical proportions. In fact, if Tim Kaine would pick up a Bible, he’d see slavery goes back not just centuries but millenniums or millennia to biblical times. Slavery operated in the first civilizations in Mesopotamia, dating back to 3500 B.C. Slavery was common in much of Europe during the Middle Ages, continued there for centuries. The Ottoman Wars in Europe, for 600 or 700 years before America existed, resulted in the capture of large numbers of Christian slaves. Don’t hear anything about that, do you? And a number of West African kingdoms played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade, especially after 1600, the exact form of slavery that the left is decrying these days.
But Tim Kaine and his fellow travelers on the left claim the United States of America created slavery. And speaking of lies and hypocrisy, we’ve got more of both. How about Joe Biden, who calls Trump a racist and stands by as Confederate statues are torn down by Antifa and other anarchists? But when you’ve been a professional politician for over 40 years, your words often come back to haunt you.
Joe Biden: The senator (Howell Heflin, D-AL) made a very moving and eloquent speech as a Son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position, not granting a federal charter to an organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag.
Tim: Many fine people? Many fine people? Isn’t that what the Trump-deranged progressives accuse Trump of saying about the white supremacists in the infamous Charlottesville episode? But true to form on the left, that was a lie of monstrous proportion, since Trump specifically condemned the white supremacists and said some of the people, simply trying to protect history, were very fine people. But facts no longer matter on the left; narrative is everything. Put another way, if you’ve got facts on one side and you’ve got narrative on the other, even if it’s entirely untrue, go with the narrative because you can be sure you’ll receive more than adequate protection from a legacy media bent on taking down Trump by any means which avail themselves. Facts be damned.
But facts, not narrative, are what were delivered in a YouTube video this week that went viral, of a black woman, Bevelyn Beatty, schooling a bunch of idealistic, uninformed white progressives on a street corner on the true history of slavery, racism, and the Democratic Party.
Bevelyn Beatty: These Democrats, and I’m sorry to say this, I’m not trying to be racist, but they hate black people. These are the same people who fought to keep slavery in. These are the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks, but the Republican Party is the only party that the black people actually assisted in founding. But all of that history has been torn away. People say, “Oh. There was this big switch.” There was never a big switch.
So what happened was, once slavery was abolished and the people in the South could no longer make their money from slaves, they had to move to the North to work in the industry, to produce. And so the people in the North, who already had established themselves in the industry, moved to the South. And so that’s where there was a transfer of people coming from the South to the North and people coming from the North to the South. There was never a big switch. So the same Democrats who hated black people from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now and they use our cause. How did Black Lives Matter turn into something about LGBTQ when blacks really don’t support that? We’re conservative. We’re really not about that. Not only that, we don’t support abortion. We’re about working. This is the black culture. We ain’t anything about that. Not only that, we are not about feminism. Black women love their husbands and respect your husbands. That’s what we are. We’re not on this, “Oh. I do what I want.” We don’t do that. That’s not our community.
Tim: Well, now that I’ve saved you hours of slaving over dusty history books with that concise and accurate summation of slavery and the Democratic Party, you’re welcome!
Read more from Tim Donner.