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Robert Mueller Financial Links to Russia Revealed

by | Oct 23, 2017 | Politics

Robert Mueller is himself becoming a pivotal figure in the Russia investigation and may soon find himself answering a lot of questions about his own financial links to Russian interests. Information has surfaced about his personal investments in hedge funds with major investments in state-run Russian companies.

The conflicts of interest surrounding the various probes into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election are now so numerous that the American public should be horrified by the sheer scale of corruption.

The politically partisan leanings of the special counsel investigation should have been enough to call Mueller’s involvement into question. Mueller, fired FBI Director James Comey, and former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder all share a long professional and personal relationship.

Recent revelations of possible Justice Department whitewashing of the Uranium One affair, whilst Mueller was at the helm of the FBI, are cause for even greater concern. Now, emerging details of Mueller’s not insignificant financial ties to the fortunes of certain Russian companies reek of corruption on a truly mind-blowing scale.

Real Versus Manufactured Scandals

Any contacts between the campaign team of President Donald Trump and Russian officials have, thus far, proved to be of little significance. The only established contact has been a very brief meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney. Meanwhile, numerous officials from the administration of former president Barack Obama are now mired in what may be the biggest political and national security scandal in the history of the United States. By comparison, the current president’s own supposed links to Russia are paltry.

Jacob Wohl is the Executive Editor of Offended America. He published a report Monday on Mueller’s overseas financial interests. Of note are Mueller’s investments in hedge funds that are, themselves, heavily invested in Russian energy companies. The scale of Mueller’s interests in these funds is easily large enough to raise some red flags about how investigating Russia may impact the special counsel’s personal wealth. As Wohl points out, some of these hedge funds require a minimum investment of $10 million.

When the various probes into the role that Russia may, or may not, have played in the election conclude, an accounting must be made. What actions Congress might choose to take, based on the findings of these investigations, could lead to financial consequences for the Russian government. In turn, state-owned Russian companies could feel the effects of those actions on their own respective bottom lines; investments in those companies will be likewise affected.

A Grand Collusion

Connecting these dots all the way down the line leads to those individuals with stakes in these investments. Robert Mueller personally has tens of millions of dollars on the line. As Wohl says in his report, “Mueller’s investments in Russia could present a clear conflict of interest in how he carries out his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 President Election.”

In addition to the special counsel investigation, both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have devoted a significant amount of time and money to pursuing the Russia collusion conspiracy theory. The total evidence produced so far has been nothing more than a handful of circumstantial connections. Instead, what has unfolded is a vast web of questionable links between the Obama administration, the Clinton Foundation, the Russian government and a shady opposition research company.

Republican Senator John McCain, who played a role in acquiring the discredited ‘Steele dossier,’ to use against President Trump, is also in the mix somewhere.

There is, indeed, much that should be investigated. A new special counsel should, perhaps, be appointed to convene a grand jury and issue several subpoenas for current and former U.S. government officials. Robert Mueller himself should almost certainly be the recipient of one of those subpoenas. That he is still spearheading an investigation in which he, personally, has so much at stake is nothing short of an abominable perversion of justice.

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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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