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The Left
Naomi Wolf, the Leftist Who Knows Fascism is Here – Without Trump
At some point in their education, students learn about the Venn Diagram - a graphic depiction of the similarities...
The CDC’s Racial Justice Mission and the Globalist Web Behind It
If you want evidence that woke corporations, uber-wealthy globalist “philanthropists” and the ruling political...
Georgia’s New Election Law Sparks a Leftist Frenzy of Falsehoods
Who knew that proving your identity to vote, in the form of a driver's license or state ID, is comparable to the...
Mass Shootings: The Ever-Moving Gun Control Goalpost
Another shooting massacre has devastated an American community. How many does that make this year? Seven, 12, 111...
Are House Dems Adopting ‘Strategies of Grievance’?
Far from the new era of bipartisan accomplishment promised by President Biden and much touted by the Fourth...
After Trump, How Will Leftists Fill Their Hate Vacuum?
It is a long and venerable tradition among those on the left side of the political spectrum, or at least they...
Leftists & Nice Things – LN Radio Videocast
What happens on the side of contentedness when your political party holds majority control?...
The Leftist Mindset: We Can’t Have Nice Things
Imagine you just won the lottery. Not the big prize of, say, ten million dollars, but a cool five million. Would...