The drama surrounding House Republicans’ struggles to elect a new speaker overshadowed the Biden family...
Costing in the Third-Party Threat
Who takes the brunt of all the third-party and independent candidates lining up for 2024?...
McCarthy Ouster Backfires on Dems: Mike Johnson Takes the Gavel
House Republicans solved their 22-day-old conundrum on Oct. 25 by unanimously supporting Louisiana Rep. Mike...
Who the Heck Is Mike Johnson?
The first question most people might ask about newly minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is, who the heck is...
WGA in Hot Water Over Israel War Silence – The Politics of HollyWeird
The Writers Guild of America may have settled the strike, but now it’s being criticized for refusing to issue a...
BREAKING: Johnson Wins Speakership Vote
Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) has won the contest to be Speaker of the House with 220 votes against 209 today, October...
The RFK Jr. Factor: Profound but Uncertain
Much like Ross Perot 30 long years ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has become the giant X-factor in the 2024...
Emmer Out and Johnson In: The House Speaker Revolving Door
Tom Emmer, the House Majority Whip, basked in the glory of being the Republican Speaker-designate for even less...
Political Battle Lines in the Israel Conflict
On this week’s edition of Liberty Nation Radio: We speak with author and columnist Cal Thomas to get his insight...