In an attempt to lend an air of credibility to the impeachment inquiries targeting President Donald Trump, House...
Deep State
New Deep State Narrative – We’re Protecting You From Trump
It has been almost three years now that Democrats and senior federal government officials have been ridiculing...
Whistleblower Bombshell: Rules Were Changed to Allow Complaint
Impeach him before he even takes office. Or for firing Comey. Or for Russia collusion. Or for the emoluments...
The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency – Part 2
Editor’s note: This is the second of a two-part series on the Obama administration’s plan to surveil the Trump...
Questions Linger after Epstein Autopsy – Murder or Suicide?
Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy is complete, but the lingering question on everyone’s mind has yet to be answered: Did...
It’s the Russians Again – #ClintonBodyCount Trends on Twitter
Ivan Nikolayev, Dmitry Tereschenko, Sergei Khabarov, and their comrades have once again tried to bring the...
Liberty Nation Exclusive: The Higgins Memo – Part 2
The Higgins Memo should have been front page news across America, yet it was quietly swept under the rug and...
Deep Dive: Paul Manafort, the Dodgy Ledger and the Sean Hannity Texts
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort may not be the most upstanding individual in America, but there is...
Deep State Players Lash Out At Trump
Politicians of all stripes quickly learn how to avoid giving straight answers to questions. Donald Trump is the...