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Results for "Democrats"

Do Special Election Results Spell Trouble For The GOP?

Do Special Election Results Spell Trouble For The GOP?

They are typically dismissed as a minor news story because in most cases, the replacement politician is from the same party as the outgoing leader, and the balance of power in Washington remains the same. This was also the case recently in Kansas, where a Republican replaced a Republican, but the deeper story reveals an ominous possibility for the GOP in 2018.

How The Left Ruined The Senate

How The Left Ruined The Senate

The Republican maneuver in response to Schumer – changing Senate rules to assure confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the high court – may well signal that the last vestiges of deliberative bipartisanship will soon disappear from the upper chamber.

The Silent Majority in Europe

The Silent Majority in Europe

For several decades, cultural Marxism has been completely dominating the public discourse. Until very recently, it would have been impossible for anyone to express views against multiculturalism without being branded a racist or right wing extremist.