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Results for "economy"

Has Fascism Come to America?

Has Fascism Come to America?

When President Donald Trump entered the political arena, large swaths of the left quickly labeled him as fascist and “literally Hitler.” Those sentiments have grown into the communist activist group Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascism.” Their view is that the threat of fascism to America is so overwhelming that it justifies the use of pre-emptive violence.

The Tax Man Changeth — Trump’s New Tax Plan For America

The Tax Man Changeth — Trump’s New Tax Plan For America

President Trump has finally revealed the framework of his tax reform plan, courtesy of a press conference delivered Wednesday afternoon by Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn and Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. They presented the tax proposal as the most significant piece of legislation since 1986.

Is Cash Still King? IMF Looks To De-Cash

Is Cash Still King? IMF Looks To De-Cash

A senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published a working paper entitled “The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing.” In his twenty-six-page paper, Alexei Kireyev outlines what governments need to do to establish a cashless society and why it helps states to adopt such a world. This is essentially the blueprint for the war on cash, a battle that has certainly escalated in the last two years.