Pinning the blame on Trump a favorite Democrat party game.
Results for "migrants"
Trump Talk Means Action: 5K Troops Sent to Border
Pentagon signals it will do everything necessary to protect border.
Kasich and the GOP Establishment Ghosts Clamor for Migrant Horde
“Compassion” card is still a party line among globalist Republican crowd.
Migrant Caravan Turns Down Mexico Asylum
When refugees turn down refuge, it’s time to start asking the hard questions.
The Uprising Podcast: Avenatti Avalanche, Mobile Mob and the Approval Bell
We’re not in the 1890s anymore, and even when we were, people had to go through Ellis Island.
Illegals Crime Report – October 19-24
Domestic violence, abuse, and abandoning children – just one more day in open-border America.
Trump Sends 800 More Soldiers to the Border
President Donald Trump makes good on his promise to send the National Guard to the border.
Will The Left’s Immigrant Caravan Backfire?
Liberty Nation’s Leesa K. Donner examines the caravan of approximately 10,000 illegal immigrants and what it means to U.S. citizens.
Caravan Central: The Politics of the Mobile Mob
The migrant caravan may mean more Democratic voters if they get in, but they’re driving Republicans to vote right now.