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 Omicron, Because Sometimes You Just Can’t Let a Good Pandemic End

Go back to normal? And give up all that lovely power? Pul-ease!

Omicron is here. It has appeared in at least 38 countries. The death toll is, well, put it this way: if I had three bananas and gave you three bananas, how many bananas would I have? That’s the death toll from Omicron. Pretty anticlimactic for a variant with such a sinister designation. Yet those who yearn to live in a world of cradle-to-grave government control are not at all happy, and so they are quite literally losing their minds over a crisis that exists, thus far, only in their imaginations.

Remember that one time, when a lot of Trump supporters believed the COVID-19 pandemic would magically disappear if Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election? It wasn’t such a bad theory. Not that the COVID virus itself would suddenly evaporate, but that the panic would stop, and life would return to normal. Well, that didn’t happen – probably because the progressives and statists quickly became addicted to their new “emergency powers” and decided they never wanted the pandemic to end.

BANNER NEW PARODY (450 x 200 px) (1)So, here we are. The pandemic still exists perhaps only in theory – a matter of semantics to be argued over by epidemiologists and virologists – but the threat, such as it was, has receded. The statists are bitterly disappointed, so they seized upon the discovery of a new COVID variant to try to keep this insanity going. Much to their dismay – one could be forgiven for thinking – not a single person, anywhere in the world, has had the decency to die from an infection of this new strain, as of this writing. This hasn’t stopped the demands for compulsory vaccination growing ever more hysterical and, one could say, fascistic.

The Vaccine Puzzle

While stubbornly ignoring the fact that fully vaccinated people are getting COVID and, once infected, are just as likely as the unvaccinated to transmit it to others, the vaxx-cultists are having an absolute tantrum over the idea that some people have chosen not to get vaccinated. Chosen not to. The nerve of these people, to think they can choose to do or not do things.

This is the crux of the argument surrounding vaccine mandates. A lot of people had various very legitimate reasons for choosing to get the COVID jab. Those of us who chose not to don’t take issue with that. We aren’t anti-vaxxers, we are anti-mandate – just as many Americans who took the vaccine are, in fact – and we wonder, now, why the intimidation of the unvaccinated has reached fever pitch, just when the dangers posed by the virus are melting away. Can that question be answered? There are many possible answers, but they are all speculative. Daily Show host Trevor Noah – the least funny human being on TV next to Samantha Bee – has one theory:

“On the one hand, almost all the Omicron cases have been mild so far. But on the other hand, the guy who stands to gain millions of dollars from new vaccines says we need new vaccines. Huh … Now, look, I’m not saying the CEO of Moderna is lying. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying I don’t think he’s the most objective source on this topic. I’ll wait to hear what neutral experts say about a new vaccine.”

Noah is pretty far to the left, so has he started a bold new trend – a trend in which leftists do the unthinkable and actually go back to being skeptical of multi-billion-dollar businesses? What is the world coming to? Whatever the case, he may be onto something – or perhaps the whole forced vaccination thing is purely about control for control’s sake.

Jim Cramer

Jim Cramer (Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images)

Raving Lunatic Says What?

A wise man recently hypothesized about how, in one possible and not-too-distant future, life would pretty much return to normal, even though the COVID-19 virus would still be among us. “Oh, there’ll be a new variant in some unvaccinated part of the world,” he said. “Then someone flies here from there and some of us will get a flu and we’ll take a pill from Pfizer … and it’ll be like influenza. Now, it will kill some, but not many. Maybe 50,000 – the average flu deaths for the last decade. Not 500,000.”

Speaking of bananas, it was CNBC’s Jim Cramer who said this (as you, dear reader, would know if you had listened to the most recent episode of Liberty Nation’s The Uprising podcast with Scott D. Cosenza). So not a wise man, then. Whatever your preferred term for the exact opposite of a wise man, that’s Cramer. And although this man usually traffics in wildly inaccurate predictions about the stock markets, he was spot on, in this case – only, this hypothetical future he describes is one that exists after the military has been employed to enforce the mandatory vaccination of every single American, which is apparently his ultimate fantasy.

The reality is that what Cramer describes is happening now – and that COVID variant of which he speaks is Omicron. Will it kill 50,000 Americans; a reasonable estimate of how many die every year from the seasonal flu, as CNBC’s pet lunatic observes? We don’t know. We will have to wait and see. So far, though, it hasn’t killed anyone – which begs the question, why in the wide world of sports would any sane, rational person be any more concerned about Omicron than they are each year when flu season rolls around? Maybe that’s a question we can answer: why wouldn’t people be terrified? They’ve been soaked in fear, by the establishment media, for almost two years. Some of them are even still wearing masks while driving alone in their cars. That, in itself, is a testimony to the power of mind-control.

Those who have used the pandemic to their advantage are not about to let this Omicron strain slip out of the spotlight until they have rung from it every drop of political usefulness. They appear to hate the fact that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even as the rest of us – you know, the normal people – look forward to reaching it.

~ Read more from Graham J. Noble.


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Graham J Noble

Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist

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