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Not exactly Oppression Olympics

by | Feb 10, 2018 | Culture Rot, Olympics

Millions of sports fans across the globe brace themselves for a fortnight of Winter Olympics in the freezing Korean highlands of Pyeongchang. They expect to see the best athletes of the world push themselves to the limit and compete for medals and glory. However, we can be glad that the modern Olympic tradition was started in another age because if someone came up with the idea today, it would most likely never see the light of day.

Why? Because by the standards of today the Olympics would be deemed discriminatory, bigoted, sexist, transphobic, supremacist, ableist and probably racist. It is about creating winners and losers, determining through brutal competition that some people are better than others. And worse: the winners aren’t even scolded. They are hailed as heroes, as if they deserve to be winners. The horror!

The very idea of the Olympics is anathema to social justice. It is a celebration of everything the left abhors: excellence, meritocracy, victory, and earned glory.

In social justice land, the only legitimate form of competition is the Oppression Olympics, where the greatest victim earns the privilege of lording it over everyone else. If you are a fat lesbian Muslim transgendered paraplegic Pygmy who identifies as a native Antarctican elephant of color, you are the queen of the world.

The great irony is that the average sports enthusiast is athletically inferior to the Olympians. If a typical viewer had participated in the Winter Games, he would come in dead last. And yet, the viewers can enjoy the spectacular performance of their superiors.

There is a moral lesson to be learned here.

First, competition doesn’t have to be oppressive. Meritocracy does not only contribute to making the world a better place; it can be enjoyable for those of us who are not the best. Second, social justice warriors are party poopers who suck the fun out of everything.

While the Olympics for most is just about the fun, the moral lesson does translate to humanity at large. We in the West have organized our society in a counterintuitive way that produces amazing results. The left thinks of competition as the law of the jungle – the most dishonorable brute wins. However, competition in the free market is equally a form of cooperation.

We decide in advance the rules that must be followed: property rights and peace must be respected. When all forms of coercion are banned only innovation, productivity, and value creation remains as valid competition tools. We cooperate to create this arena of peaceful competition because it gives an avenue for achievement and fulfillment for the individual. It brings out the best in people to the benefit of all.

Let us therefore all watch this miniature celebration of capitalism that we call the Olympics with joy and inspiration, and most of all: let us all be grateful that the radical left hasn’t been able to ruin the fun for the rest of us – yet.


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