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Lost in the COVID MASKerade

Science says masks don’t work – so why are they still mandated?

When the SARS-CoV-2 virus first inflicted itself on planet Earth a year ago, causing worldwide COVID-19 cases to skyrocket, international leaders scrambled to respond. The elite coronavirus pandemic planners of the Bill Gates-hosted Event 201 that convened in New York City back in October 2019 already had a playbook. All they needed was Neal Ferguson’s inaccurate Imperial College model that predicted 2.3 million U.S. deaths to scare presidents, prime ministers, and premieres everywhere into taking extreme measures. Unprecedented quarantines of the healthy internationally ensued, and the citizens of Earth complied. We all wanted to do our part to eradicate this scourge.

That massively successful exercise in global compliance was intoxicating to those in power.

From a two-week lockdown that became a four-week lockdown that was intended to “flatten the curve” (remember that false flag?) so as to “not overwhelm the hospitals,” the Lucy Van Pelts of our international leadership kept yanking the football out of the way of the Charlie Brown citizenry. Although flattening the curve had worked, it was just a pretext to move the goalposts. Like throwing good money after bad in Las Vegas, the cognoscenti insisted that if we only kept doubling down on the bet, we’d finally hit the jackpot and eradicate the COVID-19 black plague proper. We would all unite to face down what we were told was a near-extinction level threat.

But because lockdowns were so demonstrably failing to impede COVID-19 – and with growing evidence, they were far more damaging than a virus with a 99.74% recovery rate – our leaders all changed their minds about a second, “crucial” factor in razing the earth-paralyzing threat: masks. The World Health Organization, (WHO) the CDC, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, and then-White House coronavirus adviser Anthony Fauci all reversed their positions of just a few months previous on masks. Without any science whatsoever to prove their efficacy against the spread of COVID-19, they insisted in concert that we must all wear masks whenever we ventured outside the home.

The mainstream media midwifed the messaging – and like sheep herded by dogs, we all dutifully lined up for our face covers. Economy-exploding lockdowns that have caused 100 million people to be thrust into extreme poverty worldwide, according to the world bank, would now team with dehumanizing masks to isolate us from each other even further. But it would all be worth it, we were told, when we could stand at the top of COVID-19 mountain together, like soldiers at Iwo Jima, and plant the flag of victory.

And yet, even though 83% to 95% of Americans have been wearing masks faithfully in public for over five months, new cases spiked throughout the fall, and now Los Angeles is the U.S. epicenter. This is implicit proof that masks have done nothing whatsoever to stop the spread of the highly contagious virus. And yet we are a few short weeks away from Joe Biden taking office – and his promised 100-day national mask mandate. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]no evidence wearing a mask significantly minimizes the risk of contracting COVID-19.[/perfectpullquote]

Welcome to dystopia.

The robust Danish Mask Study – which couldn’t find a publisher for months based on its inconvenient, off-message conclusion – is the only “gold standard” large-scale randomized-controlled study of the efficacy of masks to prevent COVID-19. When it was finally published in November 2020, it was ignored by the media as an affront to the false narrative being promulgated across America.

The 6,000-subject Danish Mask Study found no evidence wearing a mask significantly minimizes the risk of contracting COVID-19. This proved face coverings an abject failure at mitigation of the virus and useful only as a symbol of conformity – something that would prove a phenomenally successful dress rehearsal for mass-compliance of the miraculous “warp speed” COVID-19 vaccine. With every measure – scientific, anecdotal, observational, or otherwise – demonstrating how largely useless masks have been in the battle against COVID – why are we still mask-shamed into wearing them?

It is self-evident the elites who have commanded us to wear them and browbeat those who question their efficacy don’t believe they work. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Gov. Gavin Newsom, (D-CA) Gov. Andrew Cuomo, (D-NY) Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, Sen. Diane Feinstein, (D-CA) Chris Cuomo, Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-NJ) are just a handful of the imperious ruling class who subscribe to the rank hypocrisy of rules for thee but not for me. They have all been photographed maskless. If they really believed they were in danger of dying without masks, is there any doubt they’d wear them without fail?

So are we being gaslit? Is this the most successful campaign to fool the masses in American history?

Denis Rancourt’s review of over a decades worth of studies of the efficacy of masks against viruses such as seasonal influenza entitled “Masks Don’t Work” unequivocally demonstrates that face coverings provide no significant protection against infection outside of a clinical setting such as a hospital.

But no one knows of these studies.

The CDC’s website states that “in the 14 days before illness onset, 71% of case-patients and 74% of control participants reported always using cloth face coverings or other mask types when in public.”

But no one knows this either.

The best the CDC can offer as a counter to the robust Danish Mask Study and a decades-worth of mask studies that all conclude masks show little efficacy outside a clinical setting are as follows: an observational study of 15 hairstylists that showed masks appeared to help, a lab study of masks that shows masks are effective in a clinical setting – which we already knew – a retrospective study from Thailand with unverifiable data, and another observational travel study with data demonstrating that one single passenger with COVID who wore a mask did not spread it to 25 close contacts in the weeks after.

This is from CDC’s website:

“Data regarding the ‘real-world’ effectiveness of community masking are limited to observational and epidemiological studies.”

Note the word “limited.” Epidemiology has great value, but it is not considered “hard science,” employing the rigors of the scientific method. The Danish Mask Study is a randomized-controlled study, which is “hard” science – and that trumps epidemiological and observational studies every time.

And so the burning question is this: With unlimited financial resources available to it, why hasn’t the CDC undertaken a “gold standard,” large-scale, randomized controlled study to prove masks work in order to shut down any dissenting views with science?

The answer is two-fold.

One, the CDC doesn’t have to. As many as 95% of Americans have been wearing masks compliantly for over five months without any science to prove their efficacy. And two, the CDC is afraid of what it might find if its robust study reaches the same conclusion as the Danish Mask Study – that masks are by and large useless against the march of this virus.

So what is the over-arching theme here?

Compliance – possibly as a dress rehearsal for universal COVID vaccine compliance.

Is it possible that such compliance was the plan all along?

Go back and watch the Gates-hosted Event 201 video from 2019 that gamed out the international response to a future coronavirus outbreak. The boots-on-the-ground discussions about supply chains and mitigation efforts and scientific interventions are limited.

The exercise is primarily centered around how to censor “misinformation” that might arise concerning the pandemic and how to ensure one thing above all else when mitigation measures are dictated to us by world leaders.

That one thing?



Read more from Pennel Bird.


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