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Look Out OPEC, Here Come the Yanks

You just have to hand it to the president. When he does something, he goes big. Such is the case with an ambitious plan announced by the Department of Interior this week which proposes to open up 90% of the U.S. coastline to offshore drilling. And if the Yanks are coming, this move will eventually set OPEC back on its heels. 

Naturally, The Swamp is riled and ready to oppose this new effort on every front imaginable. Republicans and Democrats inside the beltway as well as Governors from coast to coast are apoplectic. California Gov. Jerry Brown called it reckless and shortsighted. His counterpart in New York, Andrew Cuomo called it a “federal assault on our environment.”

President Trump and his Make American Great Again initiatives just drive these folks to distraction.

Of course, the logic here is simple. (Which is why perhaps the left is unable to grasp it.) The new five-year-plan will develop more of our own energy resources, add to our economic security – not to mention the creation of thousands of jobs, jobs, jobs. But The Swamp dwellers never like to let logic get in the way of their little fiefdoms.

Then there are the environmentalists. Case in point, The Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters, and the Natural Resources Defense Council fired back with both barrels: “These ocean waters are not President Trump’s personal playground.” To these folks the entire world is a sandbox and Trump is the big bully not letting anyone inside.

Indeed, there seems to be nothing but opposition out there to a perfectly reasonable and shrewd strategy to become more energy independent while at the same time putting American people back to work.

This also will have a negative effect on the House of Saud, which is already experiencing a noticeable downturn in business. In a thorough and detailed article entitled, Saudi America Brings OPEC to its Knees, Liberty Nation Economic Correspondent Andrew Moran wrote:

The surging crude production this year earned the nation the industry nickname Saudi America, as it’s surpassing the Middle Eastern oil kingdom as the world’s second-largest producer of Texas Tea. And most analysts concur: 2018 will just be more of the same.

The adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” certainly applies here. Even the experts admit that this new program will take a while to kick in.  But finally, finally, we are trending in the right direction. The handwriting for this move has been on the wall since last April when the president put his pen to an executive order designed to help the U.S. attain worldwide “energy dominance.”

About the only people behind this bold move by the president and his Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, are those in the Energy industry who have been operating at less than half speed for-like-ever between hostile administrations and a plethora of governmental rules and regulations designed to move our energy production from slow to stop.

Right-thinking Americans better start praying for the Energy lobby because they have their work cut out for them.

As usual, the president is experiencing opposition from both sides of the aisle. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Republican Governor Rick Scott are already starting with the characteristic cry of, “Not in my backyard.” And their voices are joined by Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) who gave a vehement and hostile response to the plan with “Not while I’m in office.”This, despite a round of support by the Florida Petroleum Council which estimates the new drill-baby-drill plan will pump up the Florida economy citing a 2015 study that showed nearly 12B in wages came from the energy industry.

Over on the west coast, everyone and their brother is up in arms about our becoming energy independent. You’d think offshore drilling was an evil invented by Satan. No surprise there and frankly their comments are not even worth reiterating. Our dear readers are smart enough to know that anything that helps the economy and brings jobs will be opposed by the leftists on the west coast. Although it might be worth pointing out, these progressives drive plenty of SUVs in those western parts.

Just sayin’.

There are a few lone soldiers out their voicing support for U.S. offshore drilling. Louisiana’s two Senators, John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy know full well that this move will open up thousands of jobs for their people. But any way you look at it, this will be a heavy lift for the president and the Department of Interior. And it’s bound to be a bloody charge for the Trump Rough Riders up San Juan Hill. But if he can pull it off it should prove to be a decisive victory for the American worker as well as the U.S. economy.

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Leesa K. Donner

Executive Editor

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