For the second consecutive month, international food prices have surged and reached a decade high....
Brace Yourselves, an Energy Crisis Is Looming – Swamponomics
It's time to talk economics with Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran: Energy commodities are skyrocketing....
Debt Ceiling in Name Only? – Special Edition – Swamponomics TV
Will the United States debt ceiling be raised? If so, when? For more...
Going Cold Turkey on the Lira – Swamponomics
Join Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran as he discusses how the global financial markets are going cold turkey on the...
Ain’t Life Evergrande in China – Swamponomics TV
Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran discusses how China is experiencing its own Lehman Brothers moment right now....
Huh? Biden Admin Claims Inflation is Low – Swamponomics TV
As inflation continues to rise, Joe Biden has claimed the opposite. What's going on?...
Is It Morning or Mourning in Biden’s America? – Swamponomics
Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran delves into the August job report that recently came out with disappointing news....
Federal Reserve, Let the Tapering Begin! — Swamponomics TV
Liberty Nation's Andrew Moran discusses inflation. What will happen, and what is Jerome Powell's plan?...
Afghanistan: A $2 Trillion Sunk Cost – Swamponomics TV
As the media continues to report on the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, there's one point that talking heads are...