In the aftermath of the 2020 election and the unceremonious demise of former VP Mike Pence’s political capital,...
Good Reads
Gallup: Biden’s Approval Rating Craters
Joe Biden is making history, but it's likely not the kind any president would want. Gallup, one of the nation's...
American Higher Education Struggles to Remain Competitive
It's an old idea that never grabbed traction, but in lieu of mounting student debt, falling enrollments, and...
Survey Says: Nearly Half of Americans Think It’s Too Easy to Buy a Gun
According to a recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, 49% of Americans think it’s too easy to buy a gun. Nearly...
Regime Media Is No Myth When Government Pays the Salaries
It’s difficult to dismiss the term "state-affiliated media" as a smear when journalists are being paid directly...
The US Constitution, the Republic, and Presidential Immunity
A weighty case regarding presidential immunity was argued in front of the US Supreme Court this week, raising...
Poland Could Soon Be Home to NATO Nukes
Poland is ready for nukes. As a NATO country with many unfriendly neighbors, having a nuclear umbrella close at...
Biden on the Verbal Path of Destruction – ‘Not a Joke’
Editor's Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation's longest running and most popular weekly column. Joe Biden...
Supreme Court Grapples with Trump’s Immunity Claim
On Thursday, April 25, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding the election interference...