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Liberty and Opioids for All

Democrats support the traffic of fentanyl and heroin from Mexico.

The 2014 movie Kill the Messenger depicted a federal government in cahoots with Central American drug cartels to finance Nicaraguan Contras with profits from US inner-city cocaine sales.  In 2017, American Made featured Tom Cruise as Barry Seal, flying cocaine into the US for cartels, eventually as an informant for the DEA. Allegedly, Richard Nixon launched the “drug war” to silence liberal opposition groups.

America’s current opioid crisis echoes these movies’ shared theme of intentional government complicity in the narcotics distribution industry.  Today’s dose of heroin is now highly potent, even when not laced with fentanyl.  Methamphetamine – also cheaper and stronger than ever – is sweeping the Southwest.  And it is well known that most all of these drugs are coming from Mexico, often distributed by criminal gangs.

But the United States government is working very hard to combat both the flow of drugs and the gangs that transport them.  Ironically, a recent Congressional Research Service Report raised government concerns “…about a policy of returning Central American migrants to cities across the border in Mexico to await their U.S. asylum hearings in areas with some of Mexico’s highest homicide rates.” The report explains causes of the dramatic increase in drug trafficking by gangs:

“The older, large DTOs [drug trafficking organizations] tended to be hierarchical, often bound by familial ties, and led by hard-to-capture cartel kingpins. They have been replaced by flatter, more nimble organizations that tend to be loosely networked. Far more common in the present crime group formation is the outsourcing of certain aspects of trafficking. The various smaller organizations resist the imposition of norms to limit violence. The growth of rivalries among a greater number of organized crime ‘players’ has produced continued violence, albeit in some cases these players are ‘less able to threaten the state and less endowed with impunity.’”

The “first wave” of opioids arose from a greedy pharmaceutical industry, whose excesses are now under scrutiny.  When that initial flow of addictive pharmaceuticals was staunched, millions shifted to inexpensive street heroin (the “second wave”).  Mexican farmers, having been displaced by cheap corn from traditional farming, now supply 90% of the heroin consumed in the U.S., assisted by a stronger “Mexican White” variety and cartel distribution.  The “third wave” has brought fentanyl, sourced from China and Mexico, imported almost entirely through our southern border.  There is also a flood of cheaper, stronger, Mexican methamphetamine that is scourging the southwest.

The Democrats seek to open the borders to Mexico.  They argue that a wall won’t stop the drug flow.  Democrats call for admission of all who wish to enter, to gain political power over Republican citizens.

Here in Vermont, the liberal Attorney General and RINO Governor have defied immigration laws and have condemned Vermont’s judicial system and state police as racist for arresting and incarcerating blacks and Hispanics at rates higher than the general population – without considering the reasons why. Yet it is well known that the drug cartels move the fentanyl and heroin to the Green Mountain State – one can even track individual fingerprints of fentanyl by county in Vermont.  Gangs and criminals from Hartford, CT, Springfield, MA, and NYC distribute narcotics to Vermont kids, and the AG is undermining police interdiction efforts.

The result of these twin progressive policies – opening the borders to “unauthorized entrants” while condemning police in Vermont for arresting “people of color” – is a real-life scenario unfolding not in fictional conspiracy theory movies but in dead Vermonters.  Using allegations of racism to open the borders and increase the flow of drugs, progressives then use more allegations of racism to shield drug traffickers apprehended doing business in rural America.

Ironically, the fentanyl is killing people at such alarming rates that liberals now call for a shift to medically assisted treatment (MAT) for life:

Dispensaries are being constructed across the nation.  Vending machines for synthetic opioids have been developed and are in trial in Canada.

So, the solution to our opioid crisis is being touted as lifetime dependence on synthetic pharmaceutical opioids!  There is no policy to get people off MAT, at either the federal or state level, though there are numerous policies to get people on it.  In Vermont, 500 prison inmates are on suboxone because, according to some progressives, the government failed to provide them with synthetic opioids:

The varieties of fentanyl analogs continue to proliferate, as do the numbers of Vermonters being killed. Fentanyl was found in ¾ of opioid-related accidental and undetermined fatalities in 2018. It was just 69% in 2017. More than 3,000 Vermonters are now on MAT for life, costing approximately $13,000 annually.

The pattern here is compelling – pharmaceutical industry abuse in the oxycontin scandal, leading to dependency on black market drugs so dangerous that a pharmacological rescue is required, via lifetime dependency on synthetic opioids delivered through vending machines constructed by the government in America’s inner cities.

Democrats use race to open borders, which admits cartel distributors of fentanyl and use race to protect drug dealers apprehended in American suburbia. Then they use the government to provide limitless synthetic opioids without regard to race. Is this a planned conspiracy to enslave generations to drug-dispensing machines, or is it just occurring without any central design?


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John Klar

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