Another politician has discovered that the use of social media is not a safe space for showcasing your...
Second Amendment
Omnibus Bill: Gun Collectors Take Note
Before you yawn and click – this is not your ordinary article about the omnibus bill. In fact, it should cause bells to go off in the heads of every liberty-minded Second Amendment lover.
Trump, The NRA and The Second Amendment
As with many policy areas, Trump appears to lack an ideological position on the Second Amendment. Despite his strong expressions of support for gun-rights, he doesn’t seem to be an enthusiastic gun-rights advocate. More importantly, however, he does not have an anti-gun agenda.
Second Amendment Gains Ground in Iowa
The State of Iowa has taken bold steps to advance the cause of the Second Amendment, and according to The Des Moines Register, there is more to come. With any luck, the new federal government under the Trump administration and the Supreme Court will adopt the Iowa state motto: “‘Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.” Perhaps the Gun Control Act of 1968 and others will be revisited with a closer eye to the framers’ clear language and intent.
New State Law Says Judges And Attorneys Can Concealed Carry With No Waiting Period But Not Domestic Violence Victims
Governor McAuliffe has vetoed five pieces of legislation involving gun safety in the Commonwealth of Virginia, many of which would have affected victims of domestic violence. Now if you’re a judge or attorney, you can carry just about anywhere you like. If you’re a domestic violence victim, however, you have to spend 45 days as a sitting duck during the waiting period. According to the governor, the lives of judges and attorneys are far more important than yours — even if it’s being threatened.
Firearms for the Left?
Maybe an increased number of minorities are buying weapons out of fear, and maybe not. Regardless, current gun owners outside of these communities should keep an eye out at the shooting range for a new person in the lane next to them, and then take the opportunity to reach out and strike up a conversation. Forging a common bond over the tools that ensure no one can take away our freedom might be exactly what keeps us from ever needing to use them in the first place.
The Mental Health of Gun Ownership
An Obama-era measure aimed at further restricting gun ownership – was struck down this week when President Trump signed a bill scrapping the regulation.
Analysis: The Fourth Circuit and Gun Control
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a ruling that gave gun control advocates a major victory and set up a showdown for the Supreme Court.
States’ Rights Versus the ATF
One of the core ideas behind the U.S. Constitution is that individual states should have far more power than the federal government.