Space is now a threat-based national security domain. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty that proscribed the...
Competing Threats: North Korea Missile Testing and COVID-19
Pandemic or missile threats from North Korea -- that's what the United States faces. Truth is, getting excited...
Gunslingers for Liberty: The Dastardly Deeds of Democrats – 3.29.20
Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy, and politics? Stay current, keep up, and get out...
FBI FISA Warrant Deception Still Under the Microscope
Seemingly forgotten amid the great Coronavirus distraction are the many questions continuing to swirl around the...
America’s Other War Amid Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
The United States is at war. It is an information operations war, but a war, nonetheless. The Wuhan Coronavirus...
Free Speech or Recklessness – Assange Saga Takes Another Turn
Some see him as a pitiful political prisoner and freedom fighter; others view him as a reckless maniac who put...
Roger Stone Gets 40 months – Everyone Unhappy
Roger Stone was sentenced on Feb. 20 to 40 months in prison for lying to Congress and witness tampering. One...
Democrats Attack AG Barr: Is This About Roger Stone or 2016?
The recent attacks by Democrats on Attorney General William Barr have been portrayed as a reaction to the Justice...
Ebullient Trump Rips Leakers and Liars
A triumphant President Trump reveled in his impeachment acquittal victory in a speech from the White House on Feb...