Right up front, allow me to admit to a measure of pride – not to mention schadenfreude (enjoying another’s misery) – upon hearing the earth-shaking news that Paul Krugman, the brilliant Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times opinion writer, has produced the “story” that captured first place in the oh-so-coveted, first annual Donald Trump Fake News Awards.
Krugman’s dystopian prediction of economic disaster the day after Trump’s election finished atop an impressive field of fabricated news reports. CNN, “the most trusted name in news,” took the prize for volume, with four fake stories among Trump’s 11 award winners.
We’re proud because Liberty Nation was out front on this, with stories about how Trump’s victory allows us, finally, to laugh at Mr. Krugman, who along with Bill Kristol, is in the running every year for yet another award: worst predictions. We also wrote about Krugman being the leader of the leftist pack predicting economic doom and gloom under Trump.
These awards were evidently the subject of great anticipation, as the Republican National Committee server crashed under the weight of a flood of visitors.
Here are Krugman’s unhinged rantings on November 9, 2016:
“We are very possibly looking at a global recession with no end in sight…markets are plunging. If the question is when markets will recover, the first-pass answer is never…this is the mother of all adverse effects on the still-fragile U.S. economy…What (the election) brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work.”
Krugman’s prediction was worse than untruthful – it was the opposite of the truth. The economy is thriving and markets are booming. But never mind that. The gray lady continues to proudly display the weighty opinions of the Trump-addled Mr. Krugman, who carries on with his hate-filled assaults on the president as if that prediction-which-will-live-in-infamy was just some kind of nightmare.
The esteemed economist used pure emotion to pour gas on to the burning furnace of hatred for Trump. He accelerated the doomsday-prepper virus that was spreading rapidly through New York’s upper west side, Chablis and Brie set, and readers across the land.
This man passes himself off as a legitimate economist. Well, maybe he once was, but he has long since transformed into little more than a leftist political hack, much like “climate scientists” who’ve gone off the deep end and turned science into pure politics. Mr. Krugman’s reward will be the public shaming he is so rightly due.
The beauty of these awards is that they are not for individuals or even news organizations, but for stories which are inarguably fake. Therefore, the establishment media has not a leg to stand on in their own defense. CNN is ever-present on the list below, headed by the bronze-medal (3rd place finishing) fake story that Trump and his son had access to Wikileaks’ documents before they went public.
But in terms of immediate impact, the winner would have to be the silver-medal winning ABC report by Brian Ross that candidate Trump ordered Michael Flynn to meet with Russians, when it was, in reality, President-Elect Trump. That fake story sent markets into a 300 point downward spiral before the story was “clarified.” Here is the full list of winners:
- The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from a Trump presidency
- ABC News’ Brian Ross’ bungled report on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn
- CNN falsely reporting the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks
- TIME report that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office
- The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeting that Trump’s December rally in Pensacola, Fla., wasn’t packed with supporters
- CNN’s video suggesting Trump overfed fish during a visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
- CNN’s retracted report claiming Anthony Scaramucci-Russia ties
- Newsweek report that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand
- CNN report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim he was told he was not under investigation
- The New York Times report that the Trump administration had hidden a climate-change study
- In Trump’s words, “‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”
When liberty turns to license, when the media abuses its first amendment rights by employing their freedom in obvious and single-minded attacks on an individual or group, liberty is decidedly compromised, for faith in a “free” press is eroded. We can see such erosion happening now, right before our eyes.
As with so many other issues – illegal immigration, deregulation, climate change, NATO, Jerusalem, among others -Trump is finally achieving what most on the right had long hoped for but never thought they would see: shining the klieg lights on the deep-seated bias of the establishment media. And doing so with his usual flair for entertainment.