Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
President Joe Biden is all anyone in the Heartland can yammer about this week. But, from the decision to cancel student loan debt and a campaign rally that was more of a name-calling high school debate club gone rogue, to the latest movie trailer, flyover folks could not have been angrier if Hillary Clinton came to the Sunday dinner table carrying hot sauce in her designer handbag.
Joe Biden and His Deplorable Moment
Then-candidate Hillary Clinton, in 2016, claimed that anyone who would support her opponent, Donald J. Trump, could be thrown into a “basket of deplorables.” The tactic not only rallied conservatives in red and blue states but proved to be the elitist albatross that choked off her hopes of winning any presidential elections.
Apparently, Joe Biden felt it was the way to go and injected his insult with steroids worthy of a corner drug deal gone awry. Kelli Ballard, Liberty Nation’s National Correspondent, watched the spectacle unfold and reported as Biden unenthusiastically intoned his latest Trump voter descriptive: “it’s like semi-fascism.” Is that akin to being a little bit pregnant? Ballard’s accounting, which was much more, let’s say, understandable, was summed up quite nicely:
“Is attacking millions of American voters really going to help the Dems win in 2024? Or, as with Clinton, will it backfire tremendously? That didn’t seem to work too well for Hillary, and it’s doubtful that attacking more than 70 million voters who approved of Trump’s agenda will do much to benefit Joe Biden either.”
Ballard’s take was supported across the board. In Twin Falls, ID, Beverly Weighall observed, “Listen to the Marxist calling half the country fascist.” And in Sandy, UT, Blaine Clayton asked, “I don’t know where you have been he has sounded and acted like a dictator since he was elected.” Finally, Benny Henderson in Conyers, GA, couldn’t stand the discussion any longer when he wrote, “LET’S GO, BRANDON!”
Paying for Poor Decisions is the Verdict
Amid the highest inflation and surging prices at the supermarket and the pump, Joe Biden decided to make good on a campaign promise: to forgive student loan debt. But unfortunately, this roughly translated means that the taxpayers, the folks who have paid their debts, get to pay for those in over their heads.
Southern gal Carol Perry, in Breaux Bridge, LA, offered a solution: “Getting a JOB could cancel debt!” David Funches in Raymond, MS, says, “They should forgive farmers’ and ranchers’ debts. At least they bring something to the table.” Or, as Tina Bell in Magnolia, TX, states: “Time to get real and get him and his clowns out of there!”
My Son Hunter Premiere
Well, Heartlanders and patriots across the country were happy to see the premiere of the movie, My Son Hunter; at least someone is telling the story of the laptop. Was it a cover-up? Does it reveal corruption galore in the Biden family? Well, whatever will be eventually discovered — at least there is a variation of events that has folks chuckling.
In Waukee, IA, Cindy Swoyer weighed in: “The Truth NEEDS TO BE TOLD! Our country’s freedom is at stake.”
Evidently, the Biden family is not too happy with the film. But Brian Tirbovich in Green, OH, indeed applauded the effort: “I sure would like to see this picture, and I am so glad that someone had the guts to make a movie about radical left Joe Biden and radical left Hunter.”