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What Hollywood and Islam Have in Common: Sex Abuse

Editor’s Note: This is the third and final part in a series of articles in which author Laura Valkovic digs deep into the sexual abuse cesspool. Much has been said about sex abuse since the stunning allegations against Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein surfaced – but most of it provides more heat than light. Ms. Valkovic purposes to change that in this report on sexual assault, Hollywood, and the Islam connection.

Who would guess that Hollywood and Islam have something in common? After all, Islam has always claimed that Hollywood is a debauched culture. But perhaps Muslims might be better off getting their own house in order before pointing fingers.

The number of women who have made allegations of sexual assault against Harvey Weinstein is 82. It seems like a lot, doesn’t it? It is a lot, really, and the public is justifiably shocked. Weinstein’s crimes have taken place over a whole lifetime, but how many sex crimes were committed against women and girls in just one month in Germany? 68, recorded in January of 2016. Sixty-eight women and girls assaulted in only four weeks. That figure rises to 160 if you add the incidents from February as well. 160 assaults in two months, and what did the perpetrators all have in common? They all came from the Islamic backgrounds.


It can’t be denied that Islamic societies consider women to be second-class citizens. Limitations vary in severity according to the country, but the overall trend is clear: Islam has a problem with females and sexual expression.

“I say that when a girl walks about like that [wearing ripped jeans], it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her,” says an Egyptian lawyer, during a televised panel show. His female co-panelists quickly object to his statements, but the evidence bears out this attitude all over the Islamic world. All too often do we see cases where women have been jailed or put to death for the “crime” of being raped. When it comes to “victim blaming,” Islam sure knows what it’s doing.


Europe, thanks to the European Union’s open border immigration policy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open welcome to all refugees into her country, has experienced a huge influx of migrants. This encompasses not only Syrian refugees but asylum seekers from all over the Muslim Middle East and North Africa. Of these “refugees,” 42% are young men between the ages of 18 – 34.

Germany was shocked by the 2005/16 New Years Eve mass sexual assault that took place in the city of Cologne’s city square and train station. Twelve hundred women across Germany came forward to report being robbed sexually harassed, groped and even raped. Many of the victims describe being penned in by crowds of men with no way to escape. A 22-year-old woman describes being trapped and unable to move, “I can’t remember how many times I was touched,” she says. “I felt a hand between my legs at least four times, but I have no idea who was doing it…I was extremely scared and kept telling myself, ‘Keep calm. Don’t cry.’ There was nothing else I could do.”Nobody quite knows how many perpetrators there were, with estimates ranging from a few dozen to 2000. Only a fraction have been identified, with those coming from North African Muslim nations including Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.

The situation in Sweden is not much better. Police in Finland, Austria, and Switzerland have issued warnings for women not to go out alone. A city council in Rotherham, England, allowed the systematic rape of children by Muslim gangs to continue because they were afraid that they’d be called racist if they exposed it.


Rather than accepting the accusations against Muslims at face value, as we are ordered to do in response to the Hollywood scandal, feminists instead decided to turn the tables back on the public in a reprimand for being racist and xenophobic. To place the blame on the shoulders of the perpetrators is reduced to part of a, “well-worn racist narrative of dark-skinned men abusing white women,” according to a writer in noted feminist magazine Jezebel. This completely disregards the daily sexual assault of “dark-skinned” women unlucky enough to be born in an Islamic country.

Women are, in fact, being told to prevent future assaults by behaving in a manner more acceptable to Islam. Segregated train carriages are being launched, while the mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker has suggested a code of conduct for women, who apparently should stay an arms’ length from strangers and be careful not to stray from their own group. In the ultimate form of “victim blaming,” it is the women who need to modify their behavior, rather than the abusers, but this time feminists don’t seem to mind.

The Reality of Apologists

Apologists who refuse to condemn Muslim sex assaults on the basis of“Islamophobia” regularly make the point that many of the victims are female migrants as if this somehow dismisses the argument against them. Really?  In fact, this argument itself has racist undertones, as if the rape of Muslim women is somehow less scandalous than the rape of Caucasian women.

True feminists should be taking a stand against the rape and degradation of all women, regardless of religious or ethnic background. In the same light, men of all ethnicities should be held to account if they commit sexual assault; not only if they’re rich, famous and white.

Skin color isn’t the issue; religion isn’t really the issue. The issue is that a real “rape culture” exists within the confines of Islam, and feminists refuse to criticize it. If we continue to accept these behaviors from migrants, then we can only expect sexual assault to proliferate worldwide, even as we don our pussy hats and hashtag #metoo on twitter.


You can read part 1 and part 2 here on Liberty Nation.

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Laura Valkovic

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