Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Staffing shake-ups at Anheuser Busch over a marketing failure have Heartlanders saying, “I told you so,” while former President Trump threw a pizza party after giving a speech in Florida for the annual Lee County Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner. The man draws a crowd wherever he goes. But Heartlanders fell in love all over again with a symbol of freedom, protection, and family values in a bird named Murphy.
Read the Room: 101
Bud Light Marketing Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid not that long ago decided it was time for the frat-boy advertising to give way to mass inclusivity: “I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light.’”
Alissa may be the one and only Bud exec that has never stepped foot in a honky tonk or rural pub that caters to first and second-shift factory workers, farmers, wildcatters, or ranchers. That would be Bud Light country. And keep in mind this clientele prefers Clydesdales and cute puppies over one city-slicker transgender influencer like Dylan Mulvaney.
If the brand wasn’t in decline, it is now, as the market cap for Anheuser Busch dropped over $7 billion in five days. So, the only real change at the brewer is that Heinerscheid has taken a leave of absence and is being replaced by Budweiser global marketing Vice President Todd Allen.
Terry Lee Stewart in Terre Haute, IN, applied for the position immediately: “Can I have her job? I’m sure I can do better than she did.” And Bruce Wagner, in Randolph, OH, cheerfully waved to Heinerscheid and said, “See ya later, agitator.”
Trump Stumps Along
Wherever the former president goes, it seems a party follows along. Instead of heading to Des Moines for the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition meeting, number 45 opted to hang in his home state and attend the Lee County Republican fundraising dinner. After speaking at the event, Trump dropped in at a local Fort Myers haunt, the Downtown House of Pizza, and threw an impromptu party, buying pies for supporters and onlookers.
He jokingly said to those gathered after taking a big bite: “A lot of politicians have been put out of business for eating pizza with a fork.” He may have been referring to the wrath former presidential candidate John Kasich brought upon himself for using a utensil at a local Queens, NY, pizzeria.
Heartlanders applauded Trump’s generosity and high energy not seen in days. In Alvin, TX, Maria Marroquin cheered: “Love it!! He’s still my president. Best president ever!” WL Schmidt agreed and observed, “What a down-to-earth guy for someone so wealthy! I’m very proud to say that I’m a supporter to the very end!”
Life and Liberty
The World Bird Sanctuary in Missouri has a longtime American Bald Eagle resident named Murphy. He cannot fly anymore, but the 31-year-old bird epitomizes what Heartlanders appreciate the most in our great country: Freedom, family, and protection. Last spring, Murphy adopted a large rock and decided he needed to become a father figure. Meanwhile, an Eagle nest was blown out of its perch nearby, and one surviving eaglet needed a parent.
Murphy took the baby under his protective wing: “He has responded to the peeps of the baby and begun protecting the area.” As Cassandra Kennard stated: “I just love this. Both my husband and I are adopted, and this just makes my heart melt.” Life matters to flyover folks and to Murphy.