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Heartlanders Applaud the Aldean Family – Biden, Not So Much

Leftists cannot understand the lyrics to Big Green Tractor.

by | Oct 2, 2021 | Columns, Opinion, Politics

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by coastal elites.

Avoiding the horror stories emanating from the Swamp of Bidenflation, the onslaught of unvaccinated illegal border crossers, the ongoing General Mark Milley circus, and the search for the ever-missing vice president, flyover folks found a new man and woman to applaud. Also, NASA rejected the suggestion to rename a “Homophobic Telescope.” Oh, and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made sense for a hot minute. Seriously: but just one minute.

Songs About Us

GettyImages-1141337221 Jason Aldean and Brittany Aldean

Jason Aldean and Brittany Aldean
(Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

It all started with the wife of a country music star. Her name is Brittany Aldean, and she is married to Jason Aldean, who has a list of hits like Flyover States, Big Green Tractor, and Dirt Road Anthem. His style and conservative substance appeal to folks who work hard, follow the Golden Rule, and do not refer to their spouse as Boo, Bae, or baby daddy. Brittany shared a slew of family photos on Instagram, posing in down-home country-style t-shirts and jeans. Leftists’ heads simply blew off their shoulders when their eyes were assaulted with slogans like “Anti-Biden Social Club,” or the one the kids sported: “Hiden’ from Biden.”

Aldean has a clothing line with anti-Biden messages. Aldean is an American. Aldean is free to complain and criticize the president. Jason and Brittany do not care what the cancel loonies are trying to prove, and patriotic Americans love the guy, his music, and his family now more than ever.

As Kim Shoemaker, a Tulsa, OK, gal, stated: “Stand your ground. The Biden administration is the worst thing to happen to this nation.”

What to Do When Your Telescope Is Homophobic

Leftist activists of the LGBTQ variety and other social justice-minded scientists stopped trying to prove men can menstruate earlier this year and scuttled about, office to office, seeking signatures for a petition to rename the James Webb Space Telescope. Wait for it: It’s a homophobic apparatus for looking at stars and planets and searching for extra genders, according to the offended class.

GettyImages-620501012 James Webb Space Telescope

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The controversial telescope was named for former NASA administrator James Webb. Webb was the guy President John Kennedy appointed to oversee the Apollo missions. It is rumored he persecuted homosexuals who worked under his leadership. A seriously long passage of the petition reads: “The time has come to choose a future that is inspiring to all of us. We demand that NASA immediately rename JWST and bestow this honor on someone whose legacy befits a telescope whose data will be used in discoveries that will inspire future generations of astronomers, discoveries that we, the undersigned, will make.”

NASA looked deep into the files, talked with folks, nosed about, and finally said, basically, “yeah, no.” Or more precisely, as senior science communications officer Karen Fox told the good people at NPR: “We’ve done as much as we can do at this point and have exhausted our research efforts. Those efforts have not uncovered evidence warranting a name change.”

A disappointing blow to some. Heartlanders thought differently: Amanda Parker Smith in Mountainburg, AR, wondered aloud: “Where do people find the time to seek out these random agendas? Get a different hobby, folks.” Basket-weaving was a suggestion – as was a good road trip out of the city limits for some fresher air.

Hold the Presses a Doggone Moment!

Conservatives and rural folks of a certain age have been waiting for this moment for decades: The frumpy, rumpled independent senator of the great state of Vermont made a public statement that made actual sense. From the Appalachians to the Rockies, the wheat fields of South Dakota, and the cattle ranches across the plains, a moment of silent wonderment was followed by a simultaneous outburst of “Hallelujah.” Finally, Senator Bernie Sanders, the Senate Budget Committee Chairman, made sense.

Speaking to reporters outside chambers about Democrats hoping to jam a last-minute social welfare spending package down the throats of their colleagues was not a good idea. As Sanders said, quite clearly, “It is an absurd way to do business, to be negotiating a multi-trillion dollar bill a few minutes before a major vote, with virtually nobody knowing what’s going on. That’s unacceptable.”

Absurd indeed, Mr. Sanders.

~ Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

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Sarah Cowgill

National Columnist

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