Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column.
It seems most heartlanders skipped the heavily scripted softball interview of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, with CNN’s Dana Bash. It’s getting close to harvest time, you know, and cold weather is right around the corner. Farmers and ranchers are too busy. But those who did manage to tear away, along with their less agricultural friends, caught snippets – and they weren’t impressed.
CNN and Harris: A Fellini-Like Interview
Catching grief from even the friendliest media outlets for her avoidance so far, Kamala Harris finally agreed to sit down with CNN and share a few precious minutes of her time – as long as Tim Walz was there to hold her hand when they couldn’t emit vibes of joy. Yes, that is something new in political strategy. Mike Mitchell watched in Lake Charles, LA. He came out swinging, saying: “When watched through the eyes of logic-driven, rational thinking conservatives, Harris’s pathetic answers and Bash’s total lack of follow up is outrageously disingenuous and cringeworthy. But to the mindless liberals that base everything on emotion and feelings, Cackling Kamala was the epitome of intelligence and vision.”
Whoever was in charge of the interview’s location, lighting, and ambiance might have been an art teacher’s first-grade class: It was dark, rather gloomy, and scattered with coffee cups as if my Aunt’s book club had just skedaddled. Harris is between Bash and Walz, and as John Nolte of Breitbart stated, “She looks like a little kid at the adult table.” Nolte couldn’t resist a couple of jabs, adding: “Like she brought her dad to a job interview.”
Meanwhile, in Erwin, TN, Jane Byrd commented: “The woman was half under the table. She looked like she needed a booster seat. She could give the old Laugh-In character, Edith Ann, lessons in looking like a child. I can just see her facing Putin or other world leaders with that posture.”
Who Vetted this Character?
Midlanders have been asking this question repeatedly: “Who vetted Tim Walz?” It could be because he drew friendly and not-so-friendly fire from the get-go. Now, his brother Jeff has come out on social media to warn the Republic.
“Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years,” Jeff Walz wrote. “I’m opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn’t given any notice [that] he was selected and denied security the days after.” A friend asked if he would take the stage with Trump and Vance. “I’ve thought hard about doing something like that (endorsing Trump),” Jeff Walz responded. “I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”
Stephen David in Denver didn’t question the other Walz a bit: “No doubt true, as Walz past behavior demonstrates. The same could be said of Harris or really almost any Democrat. You don’t want someone whose thinking processes are defective in a position to make decisions that can affect your life.”
From Bozeman, MT, Alice Kamp Van Dyke piped up in the discussion, observing: “He seems a bit (a lot) simple-minded. Developmentally challenged and socially awkward. Not a leader of a great country!” Optics, people, optics. And then Rita Miller Daugherty brought the hammer down: “In Minnesota, we KNOW this is true!”
Adapt and Overcome
A group of pro-Palestinian protesters have stalked the motorcade of President Joe Biden, who ignored their ultimatum to call for a ceasefire in Gaza last fall. As the organization declares on its webpage: “Biden was given till October 31, 2023, to call for a permanent ceasefire. When Biden did not call for a ceasefire, on November 1, 2023 – on ‘Ceasefire Deadline Day'” they did what they had threatened.
“Due to Joe Biden’s immoral position on Gaza, American leaders in pivotal swing states – Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina – have pledged to rally their communities against President Biden’s bid for re-election.”
Harris’s acceptance speech at the end of the Democratic National Convention provided the perfect time for her to end the protests. She instead doubled down on support for Israel: “And let me be clear – I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on Oct. 7.”
A press release was issued this week, and, you guessed it, Abandon Biden has been renamed to Abandon Harris. The girl can’t catch a break.
“Our mission is now laser-focused on exposing and opposing Kamala Harris and her complicity in genocide,” the statement from the group explained. “We call on all people of conscience to join us in holding the Democratic Party accountable for the bloodshed in Gaza.”
Sherman Williams – a guy from Tyler, TX, not the paint – might be hoping for another candidacy change: “There are a million women in this country that would make a great president; she’s not one of ’em!” Heather Girón, in Dallas, observed: “She’s destroying herself.”
Middle America Gets a Good Laugh
RFK Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, released a new ad that had the entire Foxhole Pub in Williamsport, IN, in stitches. “Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome? Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, World War III escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?”
Who doesn’t love a good laugh at Big Pharma now and again? Randall Stine dryly stated, “Do you think the leftist crowd would experiment with that pill? Like a Tik Tok challenge?”
The ad continued: “Introducing ‘independence.’ Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again, instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media,” the narrator promised. Oh, RFK Jr.’s thumbprint is all over this.
“I instantly believed it. With Independence, I now realize the media is run by the Democrat elite,” vibes one very happy woman who healed herself from TDS.
![Play Video](https://www.libertynation.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/yt_icon.png)
But then the disclaimer warns: “Independence may not be for everyone. If you enjoy being lied to about your president’s cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about communist fiscal policy, Independence may not be right for you.”
Furthermore, side effects were listed, including “awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcissistic behavior, and love of democracy.”
Some folks were shocked when RFK Jr. left his beloved Democratic Party to declare his independence from an increasingly left-radical cabal. His legion of supporters spent a day grieving but trusted him to make the best decision for the country. Donald Trump, often portrayed as a radical right, is aligning himself with centrists. A massive rebalancing may be taking effect before our eyes. But From the Back Forty, it would appear the party of Blue has a terminal case of the blues and a problem with self-inflicted wounds.
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