Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
One might think the only thing the crazy leftists were worried about was whether or not a kid defending himself against white criminals would be sent to prison. But a couple of overlooked, under-reported stories caught on fire much like a bad battery on a Tesla in a garage filled with liquid propane. Why else would NASCAR fans be grumbling and one Nigerian lambasting Joe Biden? Democrats do keep the news interesting with struggle, strife, and poor strategic decisions.
Of Course, We Mention Rittenhouse
Cheers went up on conservative social media as the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ended with acquittals across the board. Almost no one took to the streets in Kenosha to protest. But protesters in other cities and states who are likely not read up on Wisconsin law threw fits in Chicago, Brooklyn, and Oakland, seemingly to get back into the swing of things before the holidays arrive – Chicago’s Nieman Marcus was reported as a looting opportunity.
It was a nearly half-assed effort in the Windy City. Brooklyn gathered more folks who chanted “say his name, George Floyd,” which had nothing to do with Rittenhouse shooting three white guys. How the protesters labeled the verdict “racist” is still to be determined.
Ryan Box in Mobile, AL, compared the ignorance of protesters with others lacking the ability to think critically: “That’s what self-defense looks like. Anyone who says he shouldn’t have been there would also say a rape victim’s skirt was too short.” A lot of folks zipped it rather speedily at Box’s comment.
It’s time to move on to the next media-engineered train wreck.
Bubba Needs Attention
NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace who made headlines in the summer of 2020 – for the noose that wasn’t a noose – is now boohooing about the Rittenhouse verdict. In a salacious tweet, Bubba opined: “Ha, let the boy be black and it would’ve been life…hell he would’ve had his life taken before the bullshit trial… sad.”
Brandon Martin, a congressional candidate in southern Arizona, piped up: “Don’t pick on Bubba. He doesn’t know the difference between a racist threat and a garage door pull-down rope.” The irony did not go unnoticed as Gene Timms, a happy resident of McArthur, OH, replied to Martin: “You are absolutely right! I believe you should be careful though, probably should use your last name as much as possible. #Let’s Go Brandon!”
Flyover folks are a witty bunch.
Joe Biden, Not So Funny
Joe Biden and his administration had a tough week in diplomatic relations: the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan turning away American veterans and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken removing Nigeria from the list of countries that routinely engage in severe religious persecution and violations against freedom. Now veterans and Christians are peeved at Joe. The Fulani regime, however, fully supports the decision.
Fulani jihadis have openly massacred Christians in north-central Nigeria. And they are now cited in the latest fatality stats as gaining power and growing deadlier than Boko Haram. It’s the age-old line in the sand: Muslim versus Christian. Regardless of root causes, Fulani attacks have gone from territorial issues to anti-Christian hate – but will kill for no reason whatsoever, apparently. They sound nice. Heck, even the U.S. State Department identifies them as terrorists.
David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, a group that monitors Christian persecution across the globe, reacted to the decision with something akin to horror:
“We’re deeply alarmed at today’s decision by the U.S. State Department to end the designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). This is not only a baffling error, it’s likely in direct violation of the International Religious Freedom Act, the law that requires these designations to be made in the first place.”
Open Doors validate the terrorist label of Fulanis in 2021 as: “More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country.” One native Nigerian spoke up on Facebook. His handle is Smart Don WazobiaFM Paul, and he resides in Port Harcourt. His words were chilling: “Many of us here in Nigeria already understands what the current US administration now stands for. It’s very obvious. No wonder many countries no longer take the US serious since the beginning of this administration.”
But one heartlander, Elizabeth “Buffy” Register, replied: “I hope you folks don’t hold this administration against the people here. Most of us hate what’s going on in our country.” But Daniel Carper gets the last word in replying to our friend in Nigeria: “sir, American patriots are going to run this feckless administration out. We are America first, BUT Conservatives recognize religious freedom and the atrocities across the world. Prayers for you and people affected by this misguided party of destruction.”
~ Read more from Sarah Cowgill.