After weeks of occupying the Oregon Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building, the domestic terrorists of the Portland chapter of Antifa are beginning to realize the United States federal government is a mighty foe when provoked by violent and punkish behavior.
After a week of effectively ceasing all manner of business at ICE offices by obstructing access into the building, Antifa campers received flyers stating:
“Individuals who continue to obstruct the entrance of this federal facility will be subject to arrest and prosecution in federal court. It is unlawful under federal law to obstruct the entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices and/or parking lots of federal facilities.”
It was both a mildly pleasant rebuke of the unwashed and potentially smelly anarchists and an ominous warning that there will be a price to pay if the law is continually and flagrantly violated. And it should stand as a fair warning to Antifa and similar groups that their brand of political protesting will no longer be tolerated.
Antifa recently upped violent rhetoric with calls for abolishing ICE and opening the borders to all manner of criminals seeking to infiltrate America. Although federal authorities secured the building in Portland, other occupations in Los Angeles and Texas are being discussed.
This is the New Normal
A tougher stance is warranted as the alt-left and Democrats have increased calls for violence against President Trump, his cabinet and staff, and his nationwide support base.
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) is the latest to incite violence against the president, encouraging those foolish enough to listen to the rantings of a demented person:
“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Falling into lockstep with Antifa, Waters, and her thug base is Sam Lavigne, self-identified as a “Something in Residence” at New York University, who apparently has too much time on his now dirty hands. Lavigne’s neurosis became evident as he compiled a list of 1,500 employees of ICE, with personal contact information, and published his doxxing dossier on Twitter and GitHub with this ominous descriptor:
“While I don’t have a precise idea of what should be done with this data set, I leave it here with the hope that researchers, journalists, and activists will find it useful.”
He further dug a deeper hole by adding:
“As ICE continues to ramp up its inhumane surveillance and detention efforts, I believe it’s important to document what’s happening, and by whom, in any way we can.”
How can these yahoos be American citizens?
Twitchy Fingers
Violent protests by the black-clad, masked punks, which have damaged property and injured bystanders and peaceful objectors, struck a chord within conservative camps and Trump’s base. And it’s not fear. Rather, it’s a call to arms – to take back America.
Americans have had enough of the left’s attempts to overthrow a sitting president and destroy this nation’s constitutional government. But they should be advised of the adage that cautions, “don’t wake a sleeping giant.” Yeah, well, that giant is woke.