Editor’s Note: This is the final part in an Exclusive Liberty Nation interview with Mr Nigel Farage, the man behind Brexit, former UKIP leader, and political campaigner. In the first part, we discussed how President Trump is doing, how the MAGA platform is coming along, and the movements that are shaping modern politics around the world.
Nigel Farage has been a political inspiration to millions around the world. His straight-talking style has appealed to literally millions of the electorate who had never cast a vote before; his ability to chat and connect with people from every walk of life has made him a British hero.
He has often been called a divisive figure that has as many detractors as he does supporters. But the reality is that Nigel is a man who can speak and engage with people on a level that leaves other political figures far behind.
During the interview, he was fun, engaging, polite and (as always) cheery. Nigel knows his topics and has presented them to the British, American, and European people in such a way that he draws new supporters everywhere he goes.
On a personal level, Nigel Farage was the man that inspired me, for better or worse, to get involved in politics and writing. After seeing one his outstanding speeches in the European Parliament, I felt as though I understood the state of British politics far better than I ever had before. And I’m not the only one! On his LBC radio show, callers often express their gratitude for the more than 20 years of his life that Nigel has dedicated to Britain’s freedom; and many say that he is the sole reason that they first became politically engaged.
In this final part of this exclusive interview with Liberty Nation’s Mark Angelides, Nigel talks about matters closer to home, specifically the state of British politics, what’s happening with himself and UKIP, and his plans for the future.
Mark Angelides: With Theresa May’s Florence betrayal (her speech in Florence where she announced that Brexit would not take place until at least 2021), what steps are needed to ensure Britain actually gets out of the E.U.?
Nigel Farage: The danger at the moment is that the course we are on means that we leave the European Union in name only. And I’m not just talking a transition period and the general dithering going on, I’m talking about the fact that she spoke about the E.U. in terms of foreign aid and security; I mean a list as long as your arm of things that basically said: “We think the European Union is fantastic, we love it, and we’re going to stay closely engaged but from outside the E.U. but with close cooperation.”
So there is actually now, at the heart of government, a genuine desire NOT to push for independence. I think there are a lot more battles to fight on this yet.
Mark Angelides: You mentioned before that if it looked like Brexit was going to be betrayed, that you would consider a return to the front line (of politics), has that time arrived?
Nigel Farage: Well, it’s all about timing isn’t it? You can’t dip in an out of these things. I’m very concerned about the course we are on. But I’m very much doing what I can through the written word, interviews, or through LBC (a popular U.K radio station on which Nigel presents five debate shows each week) wherever I am, to keep building awareness of these issues.
I went through a million Twitter followers last week, and I think that says quite a lot. So the idea that I’m not active at the moment simply wouldn’t be true. And, in fact, you could argue on a personal level that I’ve built my support base over the last year more than it has ever been before. As to when the right moment to “activate” that, don khaki and head to the front lines…Well…we’ll see. It’s not yet, but it may well have to happen.
Mark Angelides: With the election of the new UKIP party leader (UKIP is the party that Nigel headed up and took to electoral success in 2015), Henry Bolton, what do you think he has to do as a leader to put pressure on the government?
Nigel Farage: I thought that Henry’s speech yesterday (Henry Bolton’s first main speech as leader), showed somebody of a deep sincerity; somebody who is clearly very comfortable in his own skin in terms of who he is, what he’s achieved, and what he’s done in his life. We’ve got a very competent and professional man whose life experience is ten times the other party leaders’ added up together. And I like that.
His biggest obstacle is going to be UKIP itself. The party is in need of absolutely fundamental reform, and I’m afraid that was a very high-minded, idealistic organization, from about 2013 onwards, became one in which people sought careers and personal advancement. And that is really what’s at the heart of a lot of what has gone wrong with UKIP. Henry has to try and bust that up. And do you know something? If I can help him in any way to do that, I will.
Mark Angelides: Yourself and Arron Banks (major UKIP donor, activist and businessman) both seem very much behind Henry Bolton, what kind of things do you think you’ll be doing with the party and specifically Henry over the next year or so?
Nigel Farage: Well it’s a bit too early to tell. I’ve not been inclined to do very much over the last year or so; I’ve been feeling a bit disenchanted with the direction it has gone in. But I think getting a completely new fresh face, and as I say, getting somebody who has actually done stuff and run stuff, if he wants me to help him in any way that I can with internal party reform or with raising money: I’m here to help.
Mark Angelides: Based on a fairly awful fortnight for Prime Minister Theresa May, what do you think the political landscape is going to look like going into the end of this year and the beginning of next year?
Nigel Farage: Well I find it very difficult to see how she survives. I think that if the Manchester Conservative (Party) Conference that begins with an interview with Andrew Marr (television host), who is hardly a Rottweiler, he’s an interviewer who tries to get the interviewee to speak, and what he just said to her was: “With respect Prime Minister, you’re not answering any of my questions,” and she blushes up, you think “Goodness, gracious, me,”…How does that look? No, I think the Conservative Party this week will attempt to show a face of unity, but that it won’t hold.
Mark Angelides: Which movements are you involved with in the U.S., in terms of Conservatism?
Nigel Farage: I go and speak to a variety of organizations, I’m not formally tied to anybody, but I think it’s quite a well-known fact that I’ve known Steve Bannon well for a very long time, and he sees what the Republican establishment are trying to do Trump’s agenda, and he’s fighting back against it. And if I’m of any use to him in that, then I’m happy to help.
Final Thoughts
Interviewing Nigel was not only inspiring but also thought-provoking. He is one of the world’s smartest and most competent political movers and shakers. In the UK, he is either loved or hated (he is considered “the Marmite” man); but he is above all things, the man who forced a sitting British Prime Minister to hold a referendum that the political establishment didn’t want, and then went on to lead a victorious winning campaign. He will go down in history as the man who gave Britain its own Independence Day.