Much attention has been given to Critical Race Theory (C.R.T.) in schools. However, even those familiar with it...
Govt. Schools and Teachers Unions Bite the Hands That Feed Them
“School’s out for summer. School’s out forever.” So sang Alice Cooper in the ‘70s. Most schools were scheduled to...
Schools Should Be Held Accountable – No Matter What Democrats Say
Across the country, Democrats continue to insist the ongoing culture war is nothing but a right-wing talking...
Guess Who’s Now in Charge of the Nation’s Report Card?
The woman who helped send a message to the White House insinuating parents who object to school board decisions...
Virginia Schools – NDA for CRT Curriculum?
With the upcoming gubernatorial election in Virginia, education has become the driving force and focal point of...
Just for Fun – Let’s Get Personal With C-5 – C5
Join Liberty Nation's Conservative 5 for their bi-weekly segment of Just for Fun!
Public Schools Get a Big Fat ‘F’ – C5
Liberty Nation's Conservative 5 wonders if there's any hope for public education in America - watch now!...
Oregon Drops Degree Requirement for Substitute Teachers
In August, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat and one of the most strident proponents of strict social curbs to...
Parents v Teachers – The Schoolyard Brawl – C5 – MemberZone Exclusive
Parents have finally had enough with the education system. However, it seems that the school system is also fed...