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Doctors Expose Stark Realities of COVID-19

Will their anti-lockdown, anti-mask, anti-vaccine message be heard?

In an open letter signed by 394 Belgian doctors, 1,340 medically trained professionals, and 8,897 citizens, the signatories express their “serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” The collective demands a cessation of compulsory measures taken to mitigate the Coronavirus spread, an establishment of open debate regarding all current and future efforts to combat COVID-19, and a restoration of all civil liberties lost over the last six months.

The doctors in the collective state without equivocation that “there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.” The letter references an old bromide that the cure must not be worse than the disease when making the case that:

“The collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from Corona.”

This is, of course, powerfully relevant to the United States as well, where ancillary deaths from suicide, alcoholism, drug overdose, and domestic abuse threaten to broadside any success in halting the spread of a virus with a .26% mortality rate. The signatories note that:

“Social isolation and economic damage led to an increase in depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence, and child abuse. Studies have shown that the more social and emotional commitments people have, the more resistant they are to viruses. It is much more likely that isolation and quarantine have fatal consequences.”

The open letter is comprehensive, detailed – and lacerating. It reminds us of Neil Ferguson’s catastrophically inaccurate Imperial College model prediction of 2.2. million deaths in the United States and 500,000 UK deaths. As a frame of reference on how bad Ferguson was at his job – one million people have now died in total, worldwide from COVID-19.

But Ferguson wasn’t the only utter failure to make glaringly terrible pronouncements about the virus trajectory. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicted a 3.4% mortality, which would’ve meant millions and millions of deaths worldwide already at this juncture. The alarmism from our esteemed international health body resulted in quarantines throughout the world in the hope of “flattening the curve.”

But flattening the curve was achieved in America way back in April and May, and yet efforts to combat Coronavirus have only been stepped up – not eased. The Belgian doctors state with confidence that lockdowns have “not led to a lower mortality rate.” The letter points out that the infection “curve” is very similar in countries that imposed quarantines (the UK, France) and those that didn’t (Sweden, Iceland.) The historically unprecedented measure of locking down the healthy to protect a fraction of a percent of the vulnerable from dying appears to have been an international gaslight perpetrated by those in power for whom science, data, and facts failed to comply.

Masks, which were more of a suggestion back in the late Spring and early Summer, became virtually compulsory as the year wore on – despite any science proving their efficacy and an abundance to demonstrate their general worthlessness outside sanitary settings. Mask-messaging whiplash resulted from the many reversals from Fauci, the WHO, and the CDC. And the hospitals that were the only place masks actually do work and were supposed to be overwhelmed with the infected became ghost towns, with hospital staff laid off from the lack of patients and the reluctance of those in need of treatments to risk the trip.

The doctors decry the efforts to delegitimize the most effective proven treatment for COVID-19 – hydroxychloroquine (HCQ.) The letter references French scientist and professor Didier Raoult who touted the astounding success he was having treating patients with HCQ early in the infection. It discusses the shameful retraction of a Lancet study that purportedly demonstrated the inefficacy of HCQ – and turned out to be utterly fraudulent. And it laments the de-platforming of the Frontline Doctors who gathered in Washington to deliver a remarkably similar message to their own – including the promotion of the life-saving drug, HCQ.

The letter further argues the basics of Science 101 with regard to the immune system. It states:

“For thousands of years, the human body has been exposed daily to moisture and droplets containing infectious microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, and fungi). The penetration of these microorganisms is prevented by an advanced defense mechanism – the immune system. A strong immune system relies on normal daily exposure to these microbial influences. Overly hygienic measures have a detrimental effect on our immunity. Only people with a weak or faulty immune system should be protected by extensive hygiene or social distancing.”

The Belgian Doctors join the Frontline Doctors, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and countless others worldwide in demanding that governments end the current draconian emergency measures and return our societies to a place that approximates the normalcy we enjoyed just six months ago.

Why did people panic? Because they were told to. And all this for an infection that “turned out to be many times lower than expected and close to that of a normal seasonal flu,” according to the Belgian Doctors in their open letter. This was something even credibility-deficient Dr. Anthony Fauci quietly conceded in a New England Journal of Medicine article.

So will these increasing numbers of international doctor groups banded together to deliver an urgent warning that runs contrary to all the current messaging on COVID-19 finally be heard? Not if the mainstream media has anything to say about it – and of course, they have the final word.


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