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Democrat Debates: Awkward Performing Arts and Clumsy Missteps

Dull as they were, the debates did have some high points.

The heavily laden Democrat clown car unloaded 20 primped and primed candidates under the Big Top in Miami at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. A more appropriate venue could not have been selected as two nights of sound bite scripted and pandering hopefuls cheered, jeered, and annoyed the American electorate, causing confused expressions coast to coast.

It was the greatest show on earth – if one didn’t expect any new message or policy proposals. After four hours of excruciating, ear-bleeding platitudes coupled with death stares and random outbursts of Spanish, the first match of the round-robin tournament is in the books. As Liberty Nation’s chief political correspondent Graham J Noble summed up the spectacle:

“First night: Boring, bland, lacking in passion, very light on policy details. Winners: Tulsi Gabbard and Julian Castro. O’Rourke made a fool of himself. Second night: Fiery, confrontation, all jockeying for position. Winners: Harris, Sanders, Yang. Williamson may have been high. Biden was unimpressive and completely predictable.”

But it was the handful of not so predictable moments that make both nights worth remembering.  Too many times feet entered mouths – and there was a plethora of overly dramatic expressions of horror and disbelief.

And we at Liberty Nation, we want to share them with our readers.

Debate Prep Clearly Not Extensive Enough

Beto O’Rourke

To hear my answer in English, please press 1:  Ever yearning to appropriate Hispanic heritage, Robert “Beto” O’Rourke began speaking Spanish right out of the gate when asked if he would support a 70% marginal tax rate for individuals. He did not answer the question in Spanish or English. But he started the trend of pandering to Latinos as candidates Sen. Corey Booker (D-NJ) and former Cabinet secretary Julián Castro struggled to keep up intermittently glaring at one another as Spanglish tripped off their tongues a delirious eight occasions.

The beleaguered and technically challenged network host, NBC, ran “speaking a foreign language” in closed captions. Co-sponsor Telemundo did not translate, and Marianne Williamson sent a desperate plea on Twitter that she “needed to learn Spanish by 9pm tomorrow night.”

Uncle Joe swings and misses on a slow-pitch softball: He did not sniff anyone on stage. He looked presidential and folksy all at the same time, and no one accused him of inappropriate touching during the two hours he glowed on stage. He was the epitome of Rico Suave (still pandering to Latinos). Former Vice President Joe Biden, lapping opponents in the polls, seemed to have an unbeatable edge as he reminded any and every one of his stellar 40-year record of accomplishments – only leaving out segregation and his flip-flopping on almost every issue. He had the win in the bag. Until he was asked a trick question: What would Mr. Biden do immediately after he is sworn into office? To that, he offered this gem: “Defeat Donald Trump.”

Joe Biden

What? Audiences scrunched their faces and turned to one another for clarification.

Take that, Bad Orange Man! Hats off to Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) for securing the standing ovation and biggest applause lines of the night. In a misguided huff, she slammed the president: “Donald Trump just sits in the White House and gloats about what is going on.” Let’s discuss, shall we?

According to the Cambridge English dictionary, the definition of gloat is “to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or someone else’s failure.”

Klobuchar hit the nail on the head, but for the wrong team. Of course, giving credit where due was awful nice of her.  I hate to quote a fictional character, but “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Julián Castro

Does Planned Parenthood know about this?  The far-left trend of promoting the abortion of any child – whether in the womb or freshly evicted – was met with unanimous support in one way, shape, or form by all 20 self-styled progressives and the protection of Roe v. Wade was paramount in their two-minute responses.  But Julián Castro went a bit further than most when he stated, “What that means is just because a woman or, let’s also not forget, someone in the trans community — a trans female — is poor does not mean they should not have the ability to exercise that right to choose.”

Unless it’s a big secret, complete reproductive system transplants are not yet an option and trans-women need not worry about keeping abortion safe for those with imaginary pregnancies. Perhaps Castro has been binging the television medical drama Grey’s Anatomy, where pretty much every episode is a progressive issue preach-fest and all kinds of medical miracles take place.


Bernie, just shut-up. Another wing-dinger with no possible merit came from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who hopes to rotate the justices of the Supreme Court to fit his agenda. In short, the frumpy one-percenter angrily exclaimed:

“We’ve got a terrible 5-4 majority conservative court right now. But I do believe constitutionally we have the power to rotate judges to other courts and that brings in new blood into the Supreme Court and a majority I hope that will understand that a woman has a right to control her own body and that corporations cannot run the United States of America.”

Sore losers, the lot of them.

Who Won?

What many Americans observed was the complete devolution of unprepared and ill-equipped candidates resorting to the tried and true schoolyard contest of, “I am the most radical far left nut-job on this stage,” met swiftly with the challenge, “No, I am!”

And while some candidates rose to the occasion and tip-toed about a stage unadorned with an American flag vying for the presidency, there was no break-out star of either night. The outlook for 2020 has Democrats in the throes of a hell of a post-debate hangover, which is registering grimmer with each passing minute.

You know the wild and whacky, freaky left candidates are in trouble when NBC political reporter, Jonathan Allen, declares the winner, hands down, to be Donald Trump.


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