Watching round six of the Democrats’ combustible mixture of Trump hatred and social justice fantasy was like entering a time warp. Once the subject turned to foreign wars, up was down and down up. The scene was akin to what it must have been like when the southern segregationist Democrats were suddenly instructed in the 1960s to become pro-civil rights.
For this entire century and longer, and despite a disaster in Vietnam commenced by Democrats, it was Republicans who were tarred as the party of war, an image burnished during the era of George W. Bush. Democrats were doves, furiously opposed to the Iraq War and subsequent foreign adventures.
But now, because Donald Trump made an executive decision to protect the lives of a few dozen troops in the direct line of fire from an invading army of Turks, the Democrats are all in on keeping young Americans stationed in a place and for a cause of no consequence to the folks back home.
Joe Biden shrieked “shameful, shameful” about Trump’s troop withdrawal, saying it was just the most terrible thing he has ever seen. This was after he abruptly brushed off a direct question about Ukraine and his son’s statement that he did nothing wrong in accepting millions in foreign payments following his father’s state visits but promised not to do it again. Oh, and Biden also favored lifting the ban on suing gun manufacturers, the surest way to put them out of business.
After Biden was finished decrying Trump and pledging his allegiance to aggressive gun control measures, we witnessed the expected monkey see, monkey do act among the remainder of the record debate field of 12 candidates. All condemned the president for abandoning the Kurds, for whom they have developed a sudden attachment.
Pushing for War?
But far more disturbing was the harsh treatment of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) for daring to say we should not continue our involvement in Syria. Gabbard has struggled to gain traction by refusing to toe the line on the Democrats’ newfound alliance with neoconservative war hawks intent on taking down Trump by any means which avail themselves. She took fire from all who were allotted time to give it. Groupthink in action.
For all the endless talk by presidents of limiting foreign involvements, this is what ending endless wars looks like. Hard choices, a price to be paid for every decision which challenges conventional wisdom. Did we think it would be easy to reverse the course of a uniparty, globalist foreign policy protected by an establishment hellbent on protecting its turf from the invader Trump? Did we expect that the neoconservatives who cost the nation so dearly would simply accede to the demands of this outsider who came marching into Washington promising to shake the political establishment to its core?
On the other hand, did we expect that Trump Derangement Syndrome would be so severe and widespread that Democrats would resort to positioning themselves as the party of war? Think of that. Democrats as war hawks in a war-weary nation. This is the remarkable spell Donald Trump has cast upon his enemies.
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