Despite the passage of time, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci remains a controversial individual in the American political...
Social Issues
Thanksgiving – A History of Blessings and Gratitude
By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. Whenever the holiday season comes upon us, annual traditions and thanksgiving...
Gratitude Will Still Grace Most Americans’ Thanksgiving Tables
The first Thanksgiving feast, in 1621, was a relatively small, simple affair. Although it feels light-years away,...
Liberty and Justice for All: The Pledge of Allegiance
By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. PhD On an early fall morning, 132 years ago today, thousands of kids at schools throughout...
US Food Security on the Brink
Chemical dependence runs rampant through America’s food supply chain.
Arresting Parents of School Shooters
For many Americans dialed into the Georgia school shooting tragedy, it came as no surprise when the father of the...
Retirement Options May Be Bleak for Gen X
The oldest members of Gen X, the generation born between 1965 and 1980, are coming into their retirement years....
2024 Olympic Games End – And the USA Shines Beyond the Politics
Today, August 11, the Olympic Games come to an end. It is a bittersweet finale for the athletes who participated...
Urban and Rural Communities Play Tug of War
Despite many people fleeing US cities during the pandemic’s signature year, several metropolitan areas appear to...