It seems the president’s line about CNN is catching on. Don’t miss this!
American Pravda: All The Narrative That’s Fit To…
Project Veritas have exposed another mainstream media outlet as part of its American Pravda series.
Video: SNL “Anchors” Are Newest Left-Wing Gun Authorities
The fake anchors on the fake Saturday Night Live newscast have joined Jimmy Kimmel as authorities on public policy and guns.
Star Trek Joined the Mob and Failed the Fans
Is this becoming more of a publicity campaign than a true belief in the so-called cause?
Megyn Kelly Botches Jane Fonda Interview and Her Ratings Tank
Megyn Kelly either doesn’t get it, or she doesn’t care.
Jemele Hill, the Extreme Left Media and the Masses
Jemele Hill is merely a pawn in this game of psychological chess being played out on the American public.
Trump’s Overly Negative Press Exposes Media Bias
The biased media gives Trump disproportional negative coverage.
ESPN embraces Social Justice as Viewers depart in droves
The Internet will not rescue ESPN from the pits of obscurity; they can only be saved by appealing to the actual thing that leads sports fans to tune in: love of the game.
CNN Fires Trump Supporter Jeffrey Lord
CNN fired Jeffrey Lord after the pro-Trump commentator mockingly used the words “sieg heil” in a tweet aimed at the left wing group, Media Matters.