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Conservative Sunday Digest – Editorial Picks

Liberty Nation presents our selection of the best stories this week. Some may be articles, others may be podcasts, videos, or radio broadcasts, but each has been chosen for their quality and scope.

The editorial team at LN hopes you can use this weekly post to catch up on stories that you might have missed. Let us know in the comments section which is your favorite.

#1 Kamala Harris: Mistress Of Doublespeak Runs Damage Control Over #Metoo Payoffs

By Sarah Cowgill

Enmeshed in a #Metoo scandal, Harris plays the ignorance card.

When the top dog in law enforcement is exposed for paying hush money to silence sexual harassment accusations and subsequent retaliation from employees, the resulting punishment varies by gender. With a simple whiff of impropriety in the throes of the #MeToo movement, seven men, both Republican and Democrat, resigned or did not seek reelection in the 2018 midterms.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), however, decided to run for president – the woman who cannot get her own house in order wants to reside in the big white manse at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

An investigative report by the Los Angeles Times has uncovered that Harris, through her Department of Justice, paid at least $1.1 million in cover-up money while serving six-years as California’s attorney general.  And that tidy sum includes a hefty payout for a complaint against one of her closest advisors.

Harris, like Sergeant Schultz on the 70s sitcom Hogan’s Heroes, insists “I know nothing!”

But how can that be? Read More.

#2 A Small Request From Hawaii: Repeal Or Reword The Second Amendment

By James Fite

In the latest salvo against the right to keep and bear arms, Hawaii Democrats want the Second Amendment repealed – or at least rendered useless.

The left declared war on the Second Amendment a long time ago – there can be no doubt about that. Though their attacks often wear the guise of “common sense” and are accompanied by promises that “no one is coming for your guns,” don’t be fooled; they still want to disarm you. As Liberty Nation’s Graham J. Noble once wrote, “Democrats have never come across a gun restriction they didn’t like.”

That lawmakers in the great state of Hawaii – boyhood home of anti-Second Amendment President Barack Obama – want to end the right of the people to keep and bear arms, therefore, comes as no surprise. What is shocking, however, is the openness of the attack.

Introduced by Democratic state Senators Stanley Chang of District 9, Karl Rhoads of District 13, Rosalyn Baker of District 6, Dru Kanuha of District 3, and Laura H. Thielen of District 25, SRC 42 urges the U.S. Congress to repeal the Second Amendment – or at the very least, to clarify it so that it no longer enshrines an individual right. Read More.

#3 Robert Mueller And The Wizard Of Oz

By Leesa K. Donner

Is collusion with Russia at the end of Mueller’s yellow brick road?

In the 1939 classic movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, Toto, and her pals embark on a trek to find the Wizard, who she hopes will help her return home to Kansas. This motley crew includes the Scarecrow who is in search of a brain, the Tin Man who is badly in need of a heart, and the Cowardly Lion who is – oddly enough for the king of the jungle — bereft of courage. And so this omnium gatherum sets out to follow the yellow brick road to find the powerful Wizard. But when they finally reach the Emerald City, they are disappointed to discover there is no Grand Wizard at all — just an ordinary man pulling a bunch of levers.

With bated breath, Swamp-dwellers, the chattering class, and media types of all stripes await the forthcoming report from the special counsel’s office regarding so-called Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential election. Robert Mueller and his band of lawyers have been following a yellow brick road of their own for two years now in what’s being billed as an epic event in the history of American politics. Read More.

#4 Attention U.S. Women: Are You Ready For Your Draft Card?

By Laura Valkovic

Feminist dream come true, or nightmare for women across the United States?

The phrase “be careful what you wish for” is germane in today’s society of fast-moving and “progressive” change. Gender equality is a goal most people would say they aspire to, but even the noblest hopes and dreams can end in tragedy. Unforeseen consequences can lend a sour tang to once-righteous aspirations, and feminists may one day regret some of their wishes on a monkey’s paw.

Gender has been a hot topic in the U.S. military recently, and a Texas District Court judge has ruled that it is unconstitutional for women to be exempted from the draft, after the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) complained that men are unfairly targeted for compulsory military service. While conscription was discontinued in 1973 after the Vietnam War, male residents in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 currently need to be registered with the Selective Service System, a government agency that stores information to be used if the draft is reintroduced. Penalties for failure to register include a fine of $250,000 or five years in jail, as well as exclusion from various government assistance programs and federal jobs – harsh punishment considering compulsory service is not actively being implemented.

NCFM brought the case against the Selective Service System, claiming that male-only conscription is an example of “socially institutionalized male disposability.” Read More.

#5 So Long, Free Speech – Twitter Now Enforcing Sharia Law

By Onar Am

Why did Twitter, an American company, warn Michelle Malkin, an American citizen, that an old post of hers violates Pakistani law?

Recently, conservative pundit Michelle Malkin received a disturbing message from Twitter. The social media company told her that a tweet from 2015 containing cartoon drawings of Islamic prophet Muhammad were in violation of Pakistani blasphemy law – Sharia. Twitter has not taken any action yet, but told Malkin that she “may wish to consult legal counsel about this matter.”

That’s the kind of message that can send chills down anyone’s spine. Malkin is an American citizen living in the United States. Twitter is a U.S. based company. When did it become their business to enforce Pakistani law?

The blasphemy laws that Malkin apparently violated are regularly used to persecute Christians. In 2012, an 11-year old girl was arrested in the Muslim country for burning pages from the Quran. In 1998, Ayub Masih was sentenced to death after a Muslim neighbor accused him of supporting Salman Rushdie, the British author of The Satanic Verses, a book that generated major controversy in the 1980s. In 2009, Asia Bibi went to get water for her and her fellow farm workers. Two Muslim women refused to drink from a container used by a Christian, and a few days later she was accused of blasphemy by a mob. Bibi was sentenced to death in 2010. Read More.

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