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Chesa Boudin, Soros-Backed DA and Product of the Left’s Long War

Boudin faces a recall effort for his perceived failure to curb crime in San Francisco.

On June 7, Californians will go to the polls – if they haven’t mailed in their ballots – to vote in the Golden State’s 2022 primary election. For San Franciscans, that also means voting on Proposition H, the recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin. The DA’s perceived soft-on-crime approach has landed him in hot water with a great many residents who report living in an almost constant state of fear. But Boudin is more than just a DA who appears unwilling or unable to keep San Francisco safe. He is not only one of the many DAs across the country who rode into office on the back of George Soros money but also has a progressive-socialist pedigree going back at least three generations. In fact, Boudin’s family history of radicalism could be described as the ideal background for the modern left-wing activist. He is a product of the left’s long war on America.

All in the Family

[substack align=”right”]Kathy Boudin, Chesa’s mother, who recently died of cancer, spent 22 years in prison for her part in a botched armed robbery in 1981. At the time, she was a member of the left-wing terrorist group known as Weather Underground – remember former President Barack Obama’s mentor, Bill Ayers? Yes, he was a charter member of Weather Underground. The group had teamed up with the Black Liberation Army to hijack a Brink’s armored truck. A security guard and two police officers were killed during the hold-up and subsequent arrest. Chesa’s father, David Gilbert, was the getaway driver. He was sentenced to 75 years in prison without parole. Gilbert’s sentence was commuted in 2021 by former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Kathy Boudin was released in 2003. She had basically devoted her life to the extreme left-wing cause. Daughter of attorney Leonard Boudin – who had represented Fidel Castro – she studied in Leningrad after majoring in Russian. Some of those who knew Boudin described her as practically obsessed with being as radical as possible. After she was turned down for grad school at Yale, Boudin joined the Weathermen, a.k.a. Weather Underground, and embarked upon a life of destruction and violence. In 1970, she narrowly escaped death while planning an attack on the Fort Dix Army base in New Jersey. Several members of Weather Underground were gathered in a house in Greenwich Village when an explosive device one of them was building exploded, killing the bomb-maker and another group member.

It is only fair to say that, just like anyone else, Chesa Boudin shouldn’t be judged by the actions or beliefs of his parents, but his family history certainly demonstrates one important point about the extreme left; the movement is not a spontaneous, grass-roots revolt of the downtrodden against their oppressors. A multi-generational war against traditional Western values has been waged for decades by a network of leftist groups financed partly by crime and partly by dark money from foreign governments like that of the former Soviet Union and by wealthy socialists – which should, of course, be an oxymoron – like Soros. Boudin certainly seems to be embedded into that network.

Pattern of Failure – or Success?

GettyImages-1396553389 Chesa Boudin

Chesa Boudin (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Defending himself against the recall effort, Boudin has cited statistics to show that, overall, crime in San Francisco has actually declined since he became DA. Paradoxically, though, responding to his opponents producing figures that show an increase in crime, he told The Atlantic’s Annie Lowrey, “You can cherry-pick statistics that make it look like crime is down or up.” One hard-to-ignore pattern has emerged over the past few years, however. In American cities with Soros-backed DAs like Chicago’s Kim Foxx, George Gascon in Los Angeles, and Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, violent crime has become more obvious, more brazen – more in-your-face, so to speak. And suspects in most of the media-attention-getting crimes almost always turn out to be criminals who were out on bail, released early from prison, or had just completed sentences that were remarkably short, considering the crime or crimes for which they were convicted.

One can be forgiven for perceiving a common thread linking all these DAs: an apparent disregard for public safety and an almost unfathomable leniency toward hardened and violent criminals. As if there was a deliberate plan to foment a more violent and less stable and safe society, one might speculate if one were given to conspiracy theories.

Boudin may yet survive the recall effort in San Francisco, though almost every recent poll suggests his prospects are not good. Regardless, the Foxxes, the Gascons, and the Boudins are not the masterminds behind the insidious growth of left-wing radicalism in America – they are merely the products of it. Turning back the tide will require the exposure, investigation, and holding to account of the brains, the financiers, and the influencers driving this entrenched movement.


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