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How Can a Christian Support President Trump?

With the presidential election a full six-months in the rear-view mirror, questions remain in other countries about the broad and deep support of President Trump by the American electorate. Going deeper, vestiges of wonder and disbelief persist among those on the left as to how a confessing Christian could back this president.

Not only did Christians do so – but they did it in staggering numbers.  A Pew Research Center preliminary analysis put hard numbers to the belief that Donald Trump crushed Hillary Clinton with support from the American Christian populace:

While earlier in the campaign some pundits and others questioned whether the thrice-married Trump would earn the bulk of white evangelical support, fully eight-in-ten self-identified white, born-again/evangelical Christians say they voted for Trump, while just 16% voted for Clinton. Trump’s 65-percentage-point margin of victory among voters in this group – which includes self-described Protestants, as well as Catholics, Mormons and others – matched or exceeded the victory margins of George W. Bush in 2004, John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.

How is it that Trump’s road to the White House was largely paved — even buttressed — by people of faith? This appears to be a legitimate question with some who reside in our kinder, gentler neighbor to the north — Canada. Having never gone through a revolution, left-leaning Canadians struggle to understand the hot-blooded political revolution that recently took place in America on November 8th.

Dr. Rose Meeder is one such case in point. A Canadian podcaster, Dr. Meeder has been grappling with what she sees as a dichotomy between Christian faith and support for Donald Trump. I doubt she’s alone.

Hailing from Orillia, Ontario Dr. Meeder hosts the Intersection podcast. A woman of great faith and grace, Rose recently asked me to come on her program to have a friendly, open and honest dialogue about how I – and many others of faith in America – reconcile their faith with the bombastic billionaire who became president.

Episode 24 – Leesa – US Politics: Leaning Left? Leaning Right? Lean in !!

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Leesa K. Donner

Executive Editor

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