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Bill Gates – Globalist Sage or Coronavirus Charlatan?

How did Bill Gates become the most prominent international voice on world health and the Coronavirus pandemic?

Ever since COVID-19 began to spread across the planet, Bill Gates has been a ubiquitous presence in world media, recently stating, “Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” But despite his best efforts, and those of an uncritical media, to curate an image of him as unassailably right on matters of world health, Gates has a dubious track record in that arena — fraught with some alarming failures about which the general public knows very little. The disinclination of the mainstream media to critique the multi-billionaire, who seems, ostensibly at least, motivated by purely philanthropic ends, is an obvious impediment to getting a complete picture of Gates’ designs on control of international health agendas.

In October 2019, Gates hosted Event 201 in New York City. According to its website, the exercise was a simulation “of an outbreak of a novel coronavirus transmitted from bats, to pigs, to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.”

Oddly Prescient

A mere two months before COVID-19 metastasized from Wuhan, China, to infect the world, Event 201 gamed out the virulence, mortality, worldwide impacts, and global responses to a nearly identical coronavirus outbreak and invited a clutch of handpicked thought leaders to conjecture about a possibility that became a reality — in remarkably short order.

Then the virus hit. And faster than the disappearance of hugs and handshakes, Gates stepped down from both Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway boards to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities, including global health and education.” This was a moment for which he had positioned himself for 20 years or more. It was an unmissable opportunity for the creator of the world’s second-best computer — his time come ’round at last.

Gates wrote his own job description going forward: globalist sage on all matters Coronavirus. He repeatedly defended the World Health Organization (WHO) against the obviously true claims that both China and the WHO were derelict in their responses to the virus, and that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom was an abject steward in the fight against the pandemic. Long after the WHO accepted the Chinese government’s false reports that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission, assured the world there was “no need” for measures that “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade,” failed to declare the Wuhan virus a pandemic until March 11, and praised China’s “new standard” in responding to the virus, Gates led the honor parade for the WHO, insisting to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that the organization was not culpable for the Chinese government’s cover-up and that China “did a lot of things right.” Asked about China’s efforts to destroy information of its complicity in the Coronavirus spread, Gates demurred testily, calling it “a distraction” and insisting it was “not even time for that discussion.”

Curious, That

To spitball a theory as to why Bill Gates the Science Guy would defend both the WHO and China so strenuously about their responsibility for the spread of a global pandemic is to wonder about the possibility of daisy-chained motivations — to wit: Gates has a stated goal to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on planet Earth with a future Coronavirus jab — he has called for seven billion doses of a currently nonexistent vaccine — and China’s authoritarian regime, which brooks no dissent whatsoever, is an ideal model to impose globally to ensure complete compliance with a mass vaccination campaign.

The WHO is the engine by which such a campaign would be made manifest, so it serves Gates’ ends to do touch-ups, hair, and make-up for the organization. And defending China has the added benefit of bolstering a global power with which President Donald Trump has picked a very public street fight — first about fair trade policies and intellectual theft and currently about its dereliction of duty concerning the Wuhan flu. China’s totalitarian control over its citizens and their access to information on the internet is elevated as a model for globalist control of world health going forward, the serial failures of the WHO are lower-cased, while Trump — who campaigned and won the presidency based in part on his deep suspicion of global elites — is undermined.


In service to his laser-focused endgame, the self-appointed global health czar fired on all burners. Gates wrote several op-eds and gave interview after interview throughout the first terrible months of 2020, fulfilling Rahm Emanuel’s rewrite of Saul Alinsky’s directive to “never let a crisis go to waste.” Urging Trump to stop “stoking rumors,” Gates threw cold water on hydroxychloroquine — a drug that has been safely used for more than 75 years to treat malaria and lupus, has few serious side effects, and has shown remarkable worldwide clinical and anecdotal success in treating Coronavirus, as demonstrated compellingly by infectious diseases specialist Didier Raoult, E.R. specialist Anthony Cardillo, and family doctor Vladimir Zelenko, to name but three. The stories of recovery using the drug are legion and astonishing. They include a Democrat lawmaker from Michigan, who credits hydroxychloroquine for saving her life but has now been censured by her party because she thanked Trump for speaking out about it; Tom Hanks’ wife, whose fevers finally subsided the day after she began using it; and Dr. Marc Siegel, who says the drug saved the life of his 96-year-old father, who within hours of expected death took the drug and “woke up the next day fine.”

But on March 23, not content to wait for the results of his own foundation’s hydroxychloroquine clinical trials, due at the end of May, Gates ignored the spoiler alert and projected that “the benefits will be modest at best,” the very definition of being damned with faint praise — via crystal ball or confirmation bias, take your pick. Gates’ very unscientific forecast about the results of scientific trials that were not yet completed is another tell as to his motivations. His calculated pessimism about hydroxychloroquine intentionally boot-heeled the success of the drug, already proven back in 2005 to successfully combat the coronavirus SARS, which is ten times more deadly than COVID-19. However, there is no benefit to Gates’ plans for world health if his hydroxychloroquine trials prove the drug safe and effective at fighting Coronavirus, none.

It doesn’t take an investigative journalist to glean that if an efficacious, inexpensive drug such as hydroxychloroquine (50 cents per pill) were to be work-horsed into general use, the argument for the magical vaccine that Gates is promising would be far less compelling, the vaccine itself far less lucrative, and the opportunities for comprehensive international vaccine compliance greatly diminished. And so, based on his inversion/perversion of all scientific principles, it is already possible to predict the results of Gates’ hydroxychloroquine trials.

Meh. At best.

Tune in tomorrow to learn more about the curious and cozy relationship between Bill Gates and COVID-19 frontman Dr. Anthony Fauci.


Read more from Pennel Bird.


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