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Behind the Mask Agenda

Is compulsory masking a front for COVID-19 vaccine compliance?

In April 2020, Denis Rancourt, Ph.D, published a paper entitled “Masks Don’t Work – A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19” in which he considers eight peer-reviewed studies on the efficacy of masks in impeding the spread of viruses, including SARS CoV2. Based on these unimpeachable scientific studies, the inescapable conclusion he draws ignores the spoiler alert and pivots straight to the reveal in the title of his paper: that there is no science to indicate masks work outside of a sanitary setting such as a hospital. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Now it is considered the social equivalent of not wearing pants in public to be seen without a mask…[/perfectpullquote]

And yet masks are now compulsory across much of America – an orthodoxy reinforced by social pressure. Is this unprecedented nationwide experiment in mass compliance just a dry run for mandated abidance of the COVID-19 vaccine?

No sooner had Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate than he made an alarming announcement. He stated that if he were president he would use the power of the federal government to command that every American wear masks when outside the home for the next three months. Biden cited no science to legitimize the draconian bureaucratic overreach he proposed, but he didn’t have to. All messaging from the former vice president is now laundered through the mainstream media and presented as self-evidently sensible and correct.

A wise observer of our culture noted that absolutely everything in an election year is about the election. With that in mind, it is instructive to ask why Biden would make one of his very first directives since exiting his basement about the need to wear masks to “save over 40,000 lives in the next three months” – the science for which does not exist.

The answer to that may well be that the optics of a mask-wearing America work beautifully for Biden and the Democratic Party right now as it will contrast favorably with the mask-free nation to which we are sure to return after Nov. 3, should Biden win. It also bolsters the division in America between the careful, caring blue states, which are protecting children by not opening schools, and the reckless, selfish red states, which are risking children’s lives by wanting them to return to a traditional learning model, a narrative shamelessly established and promoted by the media.

Masks Just a Trial Run

But beyond the electoral concerns, the edicts forcing masks serve another purpose for the powers that be. Recall that everyone from Anthony Fauci to the surgeon general to the World Health Organization (WHO) insisted we didn’t need masks earlier in the pandemic. The WHO said that masks need be worn only around the elderly or immuno-compromised as recently as May 25 and that they could be harmful to the wearer. No new data on the efficacy of masks to stop the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus have suddenly been made available since then – but the messaging changed utterly.

Now it is considered the social equivalent of not wearing pants in public to be seen without a mask; it draws judgment and disgusted stares in equal measure. If you were a vaccine developer, a national leader, or a power-interested globalist wondering how you are going to compel every human being on planet Earth to take a vaccine rushed into development at “warp speed,” with scant short-term and zero long-term safety trials, you would be over the moon about the great American mask gambit.

The last few months of maskism (mask fascism) have proven one thing: If the media and our authority figures say jump, we say how high? For vaccine makers who know that the vast majority of adults haven’t been vaccinated since they were children and may be reluctant, this bodes incredibly well. The masking gaslight has turned America into a nation of scolds, calling out neighbors and strangers alike for violating a law that is not a law because legislatures pass laws with votes. The social pressure to comply is at an extreme – and will carry over to the COVID-19 vaccine.

The rationale for enforcing masks is that they protect other Americans – but there is little to no science to prove this is true. The same “reasoning” will naturally apply for the Coronavirus vaccine: You must get it to protect other Americans, or you endanger them. This, of course, defies any attempts at rational thought as it is akin to screaming at someone treading water that they could drown you as you motor by in your boat wearing a life jacket.

You cannot force someone else to wear a life jacket to stop you from drowning any more than you can force someone to get a vaccine to prevent you from falling ill. You are protected, your neighbor is not – period. Individual agency has been asserted, freedom of choice ratified. Any inclination to force-vaccinate beyond that is proof of a new fascism.

Interestingly, while 64% of Americans polled say that masks should be mandated, 44% of those surveyed will refuse to be jabbed with a Coronavirus vaccine. That is a massive number of non-compliant people, a number so large it lends credence to the concerns of the “anti-vaxxers.” These embattled parents have been vilified for decades by the mainstream media and everyday Americans.

The inconvenient truth is that vaccines have never been tested for safety by the federal government. This was proven by a 2018 lawsuit lost by the Department of Health and Human Services. Also inconvenient is the fact that vaccines regularly cause myriad adverse side effects for which the government has paid out more than $4 billion in damages because pharmaceutical companies have complete immunity from liability for vaccine injury, as per a 1988 act of Congress.

Not About Your Rights

But none of this will stop the imperious from doing Big Pharma’s job for them and shaming others into getting a vaccine – no matter how illogical. And when asking nicely and social shaming don’t work as they did with masks, the federal government apparently has the right to order forced vaccination. According to constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz, if you refuse a vaccination, “the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.”

That quote could have been pulled directly from your favorite dystopian novel.

Biden framed it in a way that reanimates George Orwell for the post-modern age: “It’s not about your rights,” he said, “it’s about your responsibilities … ”

That’s worth repeating, as it is a keynote theme of the radical new Democratic Party: “It’s not about your rights.” Your right to free speech, to free expression, to free assembly, to own a gun, to an education for your children, to not have the police defunded and your lives as citizens risked, and to not have a needle plunged into your arm against your will – all of these rights have been attacked relentlessly in the last few months.

But Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, said: “It’s not about your rights.”

When someone tells you who they are, listen.

And listen well.


Read more from Pennel Bird.


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